Efficient market hypothesis: case of the Croatian capital market

I Novak - InterEULawEast: journal for the international and …, 2019 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak This study employs a quantile auto-regression approach in order to examine the
market efficiency of the Croatian stock market using daily CROBEX returns in the period of …

Football and Stock Market Performance Correlation: Evidence from Italy

C Botoc, E Mihancea, A Molcut - Scientific Annals of Economics and …, 2019 - ceeol.com
The increasing growth of soccer economy is delivering new challenges for prospective
investors in terms of stock price volatility. Such challenges are rooted in behavioral finance …

Day-of-the-week effect: a meta-analysis

L Grebe, D Schiereck - Eurasian Economic Review, 2024 - Springer
This study conducts a meta-analysis on the day-of-the-week effect to shed more light on the
replication crisis of this stock market anomaly. The findings confirm that Mondays and …

[PDF][PDF] Panel Garch model with cross-sectional dependence between CEE emerging markets in trading day effects analysis

J Arneric, B Scrabic-Peric - Romanian Journal of Economic …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The presence of the weekday effects of 10 emerging CEE stock markets is explored.
Simultaneously, the cross-sectional dependence between daily returns of national stocks is …

Investigating Seasonal Anomalies and Volatility Patterns for Brazilian Securities Markets

A Pandey, A Mittal, M Singh - Indian Journal …, 2024 - indianjournalofcapitalmarkets.com
Purpose: The goal of the study was to find out if Brazilian stock markets had any notable
calendar abnormalities. The study's goal was to determine whether volatility clustering exists …

Analysis of the intensity of trading on the Ukrainian stock market

M Iurchenko, L Remnova, O Gonta - 6th International Conference …, 2019 - atlantis-press.com
In this research, we present a new approach for analysis of the intensity of trading on the
Ukrainian stock market. In order to model the operations throughout the day, the non …

Monday Effect: Trading Patterns of Individual Investors

M Gopinathan - 2021 - search.proquest.com
The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) has served as the central theory in modern finance for
more than half a century. The Monday effect, in which returns and trading volumes on …

Day of the week effect on stock returns and volatility in emerging and frontier markets in Africa

FM Mbonoka - 2021 - su-plus.strathmore.edu
The study examines the day of the week effect on average stock returns and compares the
daily price volatilities in emerging and frontier markets in Africa. The study focuses on eight …


R Voloh - revista.isfin.ro
One of the latest trends in the development of economic thinking is the field of behavioral
finance, which brought the human model as close to reality as possible, thus showing its …

Finanțele comportamentale: în unele circumstanțe piețele financiare se pot dovedi ineficiente informațional și datorită influenței factorilor psihologici …

R Voloh - Revista de Studii Financiare, 2019 - ceeol.com
Una dintre cele mai recente tendințe în dezvoltarea gândirii economice este domeniul
finanțelor comportamentale, care a adus modelul uman cât mai aproape de realitate …