Measuring objective and subjective well-being: dimensions and data sources

V Voukelatou, L Gabrielli, I Miliou, S Cresci… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Well-being is an important value for people's lives, and it could be considered as an index of
societal progress. Researchers have suggested two main approaches for the overall …

Text mining in big data analytics

H Hassani, C Beneki, S Unger, MT Mazinani… - Big Data and Cognitive …, 2020 -
Text mining in big data analytics is emerging as a powerful tool for harnessing the power of
unstructured textual data by analyzing it to extract new knowledge and to identify significant …

Sentiment analysis of big data: methods, applications, and open challenges

S Shayaa, NI Jaafar, S Bahri, A Sulaiman, PS Wai… - Ieee …, 2018 -
The development of IoT technologies and the massive admiration and acceptance of social
media tools and applications, new doors of opportunity have been opened for using data …

Emotional Text Mining: Customer profiling in brand management

F Greco, A Polli - International Journal of Information Management, 2020 - Elsevier
The widespread use of the Internet and the constant increase in users of social media
platforms has made a large amount of textual data available. This represents a valuable …

Analyzing user sentiment in social media: Implications for online marketing strategy

A Micu, AE Micu, M Geru… - Psychology & …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This article examines restaurant customers' online activity following visits to restaurants.
Differences in customers' opinions based on gender and location are discussed. Sentiment …

Validation of Twitter opinion trends with national polling aggregates: Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump

A Bovet, F Morone, HA Makse - Scientific reports, 2018 -
Measuring and forecasting opinion trends from real-time social media is a long-standing
goal of big-data analytics. Despite the large amount of work addressing this question, there …

Validating a sentiment dictionary for German political language—a workbench note

C Rauh - Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Automated sentiment scoring offers relevant empirical information for many political science
applications. However, apart from English language resources, validated dictionaries are …

[图书][B] Politics and big data: Nowcasting and forecasting elections with social media

A Ceron, L Curini, SM Iacus - 2016 -
The importance of social media as a way to monitor an electoral campaign is well
established. Day-by-day, hour-by-hour evaluation of the evolution of online ideas and …

ISIS and heritage destruction: A sentiment analysis

E Cunliffe, L Curini - Antiquity, 2018 -
While periods of war have always seen cultural heritage placed at risk, the recent rise of ISIS
has involved the deliberate targeting of heritage sites as part of a broader strategy towards …

The “social side” of public policy: Monitoring online public opinion and its mobilization during the policy cycle

A Ceron, F Negri - Policy & Internet, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This article addresses the potential role played by social media analysis in promoting
interaction between politicians, bureaucrats, and citizens. We show that in a “Big Data” …