[图书][B] Projective geometries over finite fields
JWP Hirschfeld - 1998 - academic.oup.com
This book is an account of the combinatorics of projective spaces over a finite field, with
special emphasis on one and two dimensions. With its successor volumes, Finite projective …
special emphasis on one and two dimensions. With its successor volumes, Finite projective …
[图书][B] Design Theory: Volume 1
T Beth, D Jungnickel, H Lenz - 1999 - books.google.com
This is the first volume of a two-volume text on design theory. Since the first edition, there
has been extensive development of the theory. In particular, the growing importance of …
has been extensive development of the theory. In particular, the growing importance of …
[图书][B] Codes from difference sets
C Ding - 2014 - books.google.com
This is the first monograph on codebooks and linear codes from difference sets and almost
difference sets. It aims at providing a survey of constructions of difference sets and almost …
difference sets. It aims at providing a survey of constructions of difference sets and almost …
Difference sets: An introduction
D Jungnickel, A Pott - Difference sets, sequences and their correlation …, 1999 - Springer
DIFFERENCE SETS: AN INTRODUCTION Lehrstuhl fUr Diskrete Mathematik, Optimierung
und Operations Research, Universitiit Augsburg D Page 1 DIFFERENCE SETS: AN …
und Operations Research, Universitiit Augsburg D Page 1 DIFFERENCE SETS: AN …
[图书][B] Einführung in die Kombinatorik
K Jacobs, D Jungnickel - 2003 - degruyter.com
Wir geben im folgenden–abgesehen von den im Text zitierten Referenzen–auch eine
Anzahl einschlägiger Lehrbücher und Monographien an. In Anbetracht der Fülle der …
Anzahl einschlägiger Lehrbücher und Monographien an. In Anbetracht der Fülle der …
Duadic codes (Corresp.)
M Smid - IEEE transactions on information theory, 1987 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Duadic codes (Corresp.) Page 1 432 Duadic Codes MICHIEL HM SMID AMruct-The notion of
duadic codes over GF(2) is generalized to arbitrary fields. Duadic codes of composite length …
duadic codes over GF(2) is generalized to arbitrary fields. Duadic codes of composite length …
Rainbow subgraphs in edge‐colored complete graphs: Answering two questions by Erdős and Tuza
M Axenovich, FC Clemen - Journal of Graph Theory, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
An edge‐coloring of a complete graph with a set of colors CC is called completely balanced
if any vertex is incident to the same number of edges of each color from C C. Erdős and Tuza …
if any vertex is incident to the same number of edges of each color from C C. Erdős and Tuza …
Projective bundles
RD Baker, JMN Brown, GL Ebert… - Bulletin of the Belgian …, 1994 - projecteuclid.org
A projective bundle in PG (2, q) is a collection of q2+ q+ 1 conics that mutually intersect in a
single point and hence form another projective plane of order q. The purpose of this paper is …
single point and hence form another projective plane of order q. The purpose of this paper is …
[HTML][HTML] Implementing the MOLS Table for n Up to 500
A Miller, RJR Abel, I Valkov, D Fraser - Symmetry, 2024 - mdpi.com
Latin squares are an essential tool in the construction of combinatorial designs. Optimal
solutions for problems such as scheduling problems and permutation arrays for powerline …
solutions for problems such as scheduling problems and permutation arrays for powerline …
The prime power conjecture is true for
DM Gordon - the electronic journal of combinatorics, 1994 - combinatorics.org
Abstract The Prime Power Conjecture (PPC) states that abelian planar difference sets of
order $ n $ exist only for $ n $ a prime power. Evans and Mann verified this for cyclic …
order $ n $ exist only for $ n $ a prime power. Evans and Mann verified this for cyclic …