[HTML][HTML] Association of Helicobacter pylori enrichment in colorectal adenoma tissue on clinical and pathological features of adenoma

Z Zhuang, B Yu, B Lv - Clinics and Research in Hepatology and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Objective To investigate the enrichment of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) in adenoma tissue of
patients with colorectal adenoma, and analyze the correlation between the enrichment and …

Quadruple and truncated MEK3 mutants identified from acute lymphoblastic leukemia promote degradation and enhance proliferation

YM Ayala-Marin, AH Grant, G Rodriguez… - International Journal of …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Compared to other ethnicities, Hispanic children incur the highest rates of leukemia, and
most cases are diagnosed as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Despite improved …

[HTML][HTML] Применение подхода in silico в исследовании критических генов, прогнозирующих химиотерапевтический ответ на оксалиплатин при лечении рака …

МВ Логинова, ВН Павлов, ИР Гилязова - Онкоурология, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Рак предстательной железы-ведущая причина смертности у мужчин. Существующие
прогностические факторы позволяют дифференцировать степень злокачественности …

Effect of Helicobacter pylori enrichment in adenoma on clinical and pathological features of colorectal adenoma

Z Zhuang, Y Bingwu, Z Yiguang, B Lv - 2022 - researchsquare.com
Objective To observe the enrichment of Helicobacter pylori in adenoma tissues of patients
with colorectal adenoma and analyze its effect on the clinical and pathological features of …

Histopathological analysis of CD44 and c-Myc in colorectal cancer

S Littlewood - eprints.nottingham.ac.uk
Colorectal cancer is the second highest cause of cancer deaths in the UK. The
transcriptional regulator c-Myc and transmembrane protein CD44 are reported to be …

Mechanism-driven hypothesis generation support for a predictive adverse effect in colorectal cancer treatment

S Schaaf - 2019 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
This bioinformatics thesis describes work and results from a study on a use case in the
context of colorectal cancer. Background of the studies is an observation form the clinical …

[图书][B] Estudi de l'efecte de la curcumina en la reversió de la resistència adquirida a oxaliplatí mitjançant la inhibició de la via de senyalització de NF-kB en models cel …

V Ruiz de Porras Fondevila - 2016 - ddd.uab.cat
La resistència a oxaliplatí és un procés multifactorial i complex que afecta al desenllaç clínic
dels pacients amb càncer colorectal (CRC) metastàtic tractats amb aquest fàrmac. La …