Leveraging reddit for suicidal ideation detection: A review of machine learning and natural language processing techniques

E Yeskuatov, SL Chua, LK Foo - International journal of environmental …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Suicide is a major public-health problem that exists in virtually every part of the world.
Hundreds of thousands of people commit suicide every year. The early detection of suicidal …

CLPsych 2019 shared task: Predicting the degree of suicide risk in Reddit posts

A Zirikly, P Resnik, O Uzuner… - Proceedings of the sixth …, 2019 - aclanthology.org
The shared task for the 2019 Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical
Psychology (CLPsych'19) introduced an assessment of suicide risk based on social media …

[图书][B] Natural language processing for social media

A Farzindar, D Inkpen, G Hirst - 2015 - Springer
In recent years, online social networking has revolutionized interpersonal communication.
The newer research on language analysis in social media has been increasingly focusing …

[HTML][HTML] Suitability of text-based communications for the delivery of psychological therapeutic services to rural and remote communities: scoping review

A Dwyer, A de Almeida Neto, D Estival, W Li… - JMIR mental …, 2021 - mental.jmir.org
Background: People living in rural and remote areas have poorer access to mental health
services than those living in cities. They are also less likely to seek help because of self …

Micromodels for efficient, explainable, and reusable systems: A case study on mental health

A Lee, JK Kummerfeld, LC An, R Mihalcea - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2021 - arxiv.org
Many statistical models have high accuracy on test benchmarks, but are not explainable,
struggle in low-resource scenarios, cannot be reused for multiple tasks, and cannot easily …

A hybrid deep learning model using grid search and cross-validation for effective classification and prediction of suicidal ideation from social network data

A Chadha, B Kaushik - New generation computing, 2022 - Springer
Suicide deaths due to depression and mental stress are growing rapidly at an alarming rate.
People freely express their feelings and emotions on social network sites while they feel …

[HTML][HTML] Identifying Reddit Users at a High Risk of Suicide and Their Linguistic Features During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Growth-Based Trajectory Model

Y Yan, J Li, X Liu, Q Li, NX Yu - Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2024 - jmir.org
Background Suicide has emerged as a critical public health concern during the COVID-19
pandemic. With social distancing measures in place, social media has become a significant …

[HTML][HTML] Predicting mental health status in remote and rural farming communities: computational analysis of text-based counseling

M Antoniou, D Estival, C Lam-Cassettari… - JMIR formative …, 2022 - formative.jmir.org
Background: Australians living in rural and remote areas are at elevated risk of mental
health problems and must overcome barriers to help seeking, such as poor access, stigma …

A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health in the Context of Social Media

X Chen, Y Genc - International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2022 - Springer
Objective: We conducted a systematic review on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the
psychology domain within the context of social media's role on mental health. We identified …

[HTML][HTML] Inferring the patient's age from implicit age clues in health forum posts

CM Black, W Meng, L Yao, ZB Miled - Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2022 - Elsevier
Broader patient-reported experiences in oncology are largely unknown due to the lack of
available information from traditional data sources. Online health community data provide an …