What does codetermination do?

S Jäger, S Noy, B Schoefer - ILR Review, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The authors provide a comprehensive overview of codetermination, that is, worker
representation in firms' governance and management. The available micro evidence points …

[图书][B] Instrumente des Personalmanagement

D Holtbrügge - 2007 - Springer
• Das wichtigste Ziel der Personalbedarfsplanung ist zumeist die Erhohung der
Wirtschaftlichkeit, Dies bedeutet, den geringst moglichen Personalbestand auszuweisen, mit …

Comparative perspectives on work structures and inequality

AL Kalleberg - Annual review of sociology, 1988 - annualreviews.org
This essay synthesizes comparative research on work structures and inequality. It
emphasizes explicitly comparable cross-national studies, though it also discusses historical …

[图书][B] Arbeitsmarktökonomik

W Franz - 2006 - Springer
Wiederum ist nach kurzer Zeit eine Neuauflage notwendig geworden. Sie bot Gelegenheit
zu einer grundlichen~ berarbeitnn~. Dics bctrifft nicht nur die Datcn, die soweit wie moglich …

When labor has a voice in corporate governance

O Faleye, V Mehrotra, R Morck - Journal of financial and quantitative …, 2006 - cambridge.org
Equity ownership gives labor both a fractional stake in a firm's residual cash flows and a
voice in corporate governance. Relative to other firms, labor-controlled publicly traded firms …

Worker participation and productivity in labor-managed and participatory capitalist firms: A meta-analysis

C Doucouliagos - ILR Review, 1995 - journals.sagepub.com
Using meta-analytic techniques, the author synthesizes the results of 43 published studies to
investigate the effects on productivity of various forms of worker participation: worker …

[图书][B] Transaction cost economics and beyond: Toward a new economics of the firm

M Dietrich - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
In recent years transaction cost economics have come to dominate the discussion of the
nature and organization of firms. In Transaction Costs Economics and Beyond Michael …

Works councils in Germany: their effects on establishment performance

JT Addison, C Schnabel, J Wagner - Oxford economic papers, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Works councils are the most important pillar of workplace industrial relations in Germany but
little is known of their economic effects. The paper uses a modern, large‐scale dataset to …

Unions and productivity, financial performance and investment: international evidence

D Metcalf - International handbook of trade unions, 2003 - elgaronline.com
If the presence of a union in a workplace or firm boosts pay, financial performance is likely to
be worse unless there is a roughly equivalent union effect on productivity. Any such impact …

Empowerment and performance

TD Wall, SJ Wood, DJ Leach - International review of industrial …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
In the last decade the notion of empowerment has become popular in I/O psychology and
management circles. Its currency among practitioners can be illustrated by the view of a …