[图书][B] The media in Italy

M Hibberd - 2007 - books.google.com
The Italian media-the press, cinema, radio and television-is one of the largest and most
controversial media industries in mainland Europe. In this introductory text Matthew Hibberd …

Resource partitioning revisited: evidence from Italian television broadcasting

S Reis, G Negro, O Sorenson… - Industrial and …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
The theory of resource partitioning proposes that competition among generalists in the
center of a market can trigger a process of resource release that engenders a proliferation of …

Exploring Italian Micro Web TVs: how high-Tech bricoleur redefine audiences?

E Treré, V Bazzarin - ESSACHESS–Journal for Communication …, 2011 - essachess.com
Le processus de numérisation et de diffusion de l'information par internet montre un
paysage médiatique en pleine mutation radicale. Les canaux de communication par le web …

[图书][B] Una rivoluzione inavvertita: dal bianco e nero al colore nello scenario mediale della modernità italiana

E Gipponi - 2020 - books.google.com
L'impiego prevalente del colore in luogo del bianco e nero nelle immagini analogiche ha
mutato profondamente le abitudini visive, inaugurando di fatto un nuovo regime percettivo. A …

Technological transition and market structure: The switch-off and local television in Italy

A Mangani, B Pacini - Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 2022 - intellectdiscover.com
Media scholars raised several concerns about the digital television transition implemented
at the beginning of this millennium. The impact of the transition on local TV systems is a …

[PDF][PDF] Far West digitale: il paradosso delle tv locali

L Giacomello - 2012 - dspace.unive.it
“Un dubbio, un forte dubbio, sta serpeggiando fra gli operatori del settore: a Mediaset
qualcuno non ci dorme la notte; in Rai dicono che non è colpa loro, che se non ci fosse stata …

Explorer la Micro Web TV italienne: comment les bricoleurs de high-tech redéfinissent-ils le public?

E TRERÉ, V BAZZARIN - ceeol.com
Le processus de numérisation et de diffusion de l'information par internet montre un
paysage médiatique en pleine mutation radicale. Les canaux de communication par le web …

Exploring Italian Micro Web TVs: How High-Tech Bricoleur Redefine Audiences?(Explorer la Micro Web TV italienne: comment les bricoleurs de high-tech …

V Bazzarin, E Trere - Explorer la Micro Web TV italienne: comment …, 2011 - papers.ssrn.com
The media landscape is undergoing radical changes, especially related to the process of
digitalization and information circulation through the internet, which increases the number of …

Explorer La Micro Web TV Italienne: Comment Les Bricoleurs De High-Tech Redéfinissent-Ils Le Public?(Exploring Italian Micro Web TV: How High-Tech Bricoleur …

E Trere, V Bazzarin - Exploring Italian Micro Web TV: How High …, 2011 - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract Italy Abstract: Le processus de numérisation et de diffusion de l'information par
internet montre un paysage médiatique en pleine mutation radicale. Les canaux de …

[引用][C] Multiplatform Competition and State Aid in Digital Television: The Italian Case

N Matteucci - SIDE Conference, 2007