Organizational knowledge creation theory: Evolutionary paths and future advances

I Nonaka, G Von Krogh, S Voelpel - Organization studies, 2006 -
Organizational knowledge creation is the process of making available and amplifying
knowledge created by individuals as well as crystallizing and connecting it to an …

A 25-year perspective on levels of analysis in leadership research

SD Dionne, A Gupta, KL Sotak, KA Shirreffs… - The Leadership …, 2014 - Elsevier
The purpose of this article is to present a comprehensive 25-year review of the incorporation
of levels of analysis into conceptual and empirical leadership research published within …

Event system theory: An event-oriented approach to the organizational sciences

FP Morgeson, TR Mitchell, D Liu - Academy of Management …, 2015 -
Organizations are dynamic, hierarchically structured entities. Such dynamism is reflected in
the emergence of significant events at every organizational level. Despite this fact, there has …

[图书][B] Qualitative research in the study of leadership

K Klenke - 2016 -
Amundsen, S., & Martinsen, Øī. L.(2014). Empowering leadership: Construct clarification,
conceptualization, and validation of a new scale. The Leadership Quarterly, 25 (3) …

Strategies for theorizing from process data

A Langley - Academy of Management review, 1999 -
In this article I describe and compare a number of alternative generic strategies for the
analysis of process data, looking at the consequences of these strategies for emerging …

Multilevel theorizing about creativity in organizations: A sensemaking perspective

R Drazin, MA Glynn, RK Kazanjian - Academy of management …, 1999 -
In this article we explore assumptions about the levels of analysis embedded in the extant
literature on creativity in organizations. Uncovering and then relaxing these assumptions …

Location, location, location: Contextualizing organizational research

DM Rousseau, Y Fried - Journal of organizational behavior, 2001 - JSTOR
Our goals in writing this editorial are to encourage more contextualization in organizational
research and to signal that the Journal of Organizational Behavior gives a sympathetic …

Cultural values, sources of guidance, and their relevance to managerial behavior: A 47-nation study

PB Smith, MF Peterson… - Journal of cross-cultural …, 2002 -
Data are presented showing how middle managers in 47 countries report handling eight
specific work events. The data are used to test the ability of cultural value dimensions …

Knowledge-based innovation: Emergence and embedding of new practice areas in management consulting firms

N Anand, HK Gardner, T Morris - Academy of management journal, 2007 -
How do innovative knowledge-based structures emerge and become embedded in
organizations? We drew on theories of knowledge-intensive firms, communities of practice …

The external leadership of self-managing teams: intervening in the context of novel and disruptive events.

FP Morgeson - Journal of applied Psychology, 2005 -
Relatively little empirical research has been conducted on external leaders of self-managing
teams. The integration of functional leadership theory with research on team routines …