Average K-, L-, and M-shell fluorescence yields: A new semi-empirical formulae
Theoretical, experimental, and analytical methods for the calculation of K-, L-, and M-shell
fluorescence yields (ω K, ω L, and ω M) of different elements are very important because of …
fluorescence yields (ω K, ω L, and ω M) of different elements are very important because of …
The investigations on K and L X-ray fluorescence parameters of gold compounds
The study aimed to determine the chemical effects on the K and L X-ray intensity ratios and
the K and L X-ray production cross sections for gold compounds. The K shell fluorescence …
the K and L X-ray production cross sections for gold compounds. The K shell fluorescence …
Empirical and semi-empirical interpolation of L X-ray fluorescence parameters for elements in the atomic range 50≤ Z≤ 92
In this study, interpolations (empirical and semi-empirical) of L sub-shell fluorescence yield
and L shell Coster–Kronig transition probability values and the measured L X-ray production …
and L shell Coster–Kronig transition probability values and the measured L X-ray production …
Databases of L-shell X-ray intensity ratios for various elements after photon excitation
In this study, a comprehensive dataset of X-ray emission intensity ratios has been compiled,
including IL β/IL α, IL γ/IL α, I Ll/IL α, IL γ/IL β, I Ll/IL γ, I Ll/IL β, IL γ 5/IL α, IL γ 44′/IL α, IL η/IL …
including IL β/IL α, IL γ/IL α, I Ll/IL α, IL γ/IL β, I Ll/IL γ, I Ll/IL β, IL γ 5/IL α, IL γ 44′/IL α, IL η/IL …
Determination of L X-ray fluorescence parameters for Ho, Lu, W, Hg and Bi
In this work, L X-ray fluorescence cross sections, L sub-shell fluorescence yields and level
widths and radiative vacancy transfer probabilities of L sub-shells to M i, N i and O i sub …
widths and radiative vacancy transfer probabilities of L sub-shells to M i, N i and O i sub …
Investigating empirical and theoretical calculations for intensity ratios of L-Shell X-ray transitions in atoms with 39≤ Z≤ 94
The significance of theoretical, experimental, and analytical methods in calculating the
intensity ratios of L-shell transitions for diverse elements lies in their widespread …
intensity ratios of L-shell transitions for diverse elements lies in their widespread …
L shell fluorescence yields and total ionization and x-ray production cross sections for elements with 40≤ Z≤ 92
Existing experimental compilation (till 2014) for a wide range of elements (40≤ Z≤ 92) by
proton impact (up to 10.0 MeV) is used to deduce empirical ionization and x-ray production …
proton impact (up to 10.0 MeV) is used to deduce empirical ionization and x-ray production …
Measurements of radiative vacancy transfer probabilities from L3 subshells to M, N and O shells and subshells in the atomic range 72⩽ Z⩽ 92
The probabilities of vacancy transfer, ηL3M, ηL3M1, ηL3M4, ηL3M5, ηL3N, ηL3N1, ηL3N4,
ηL3N5, ηL3O1 and ηL3O4, 5 from L3 subshell to M, N and O shells and subshells for the …
ηL3N5, ηL3O1 and ηL3O4, 5 from L3 subshell to M, N and O shells and subshells for the …
[PDF][PDF] Measurement of L shell X-ray production and average L shell fluorescence yields for some heavy elements at 123.6 keV
The L_3l, L_3α, L_3β, L_2β, L_2γ, L_2η, L_1β and L_1γ X-ray production cross-sections
and L shell average fluorescence yields were measured for the elements from Re to U using …
and L shell average fluorescence yields were measured for the elements from Re to U using …
Bazı elementlerin L tabakasından M ve N tabakasına boşluk geçiş ihtimallerinin ölçülmesi
FN Tuzluca - 2007 - acikbilim.yok.gov.tr
Bu çalısmada, L tabakası floresans verim ve X-ısını siddet oranlarının deneyseldegerleri
kullanılarak Hf, Ta, W, Re, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, U elementleri için Ltabakasından M ve N …
kullanılarak Hf, Ta, W, Re, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, U elementleri için Ltabakasından M ve N …