Geochemical composition and provenance of aeolian sands in the Ordos Deserts, northern China

Q Liu, X Yang - Geomorphology, 2018 - Elsevier
Identifying the provenance of aeolian sediments in deserts is of great importance for
understanding the Earth surface processes. In this context, we conducted detailed fieldwork …


王陇, 高广磊, 张英, 丁国栋, 赵媛媛, 彭玏 - 干旱区地理, 2019 -
为揭示毛乌素沙地风沙土粒径分布特征, 推测其影响因素, 以毛乌素沙地流动,
半固定和固定沙丘风沙土为研究对象, 利用激光衍射技术分析其粒度组成, 并计算粒度参数 …

Grain-size characteristics of surface sediments of nebkhas at the southern margin of the Mu Us dune field, China

J Li, Q Yao, Y Wang, R Liu, H Zhang - Catena, 2019 - Elsevier
The grain-size characteristics of nebkhas are considered to differ from those of mobile dunes
in relation to differences in vegetation influences. However, minimal research has been …

Quantitative estimates of Holocene precipitation from aeolian sand-palaeosol sequences across the Ordos Plateau, northern China, based on surface soil …

B Liu, H Zhao, H Jin, A Liang, A Sun, X Zhang, C Zhang… - Catena, 2023 - Elsevier
Quantitative precipitation reconstructions are important for studies of past Earth surface
processes and for predicting future trends, especially in the semi-arid region of northern …


王晓宁, 岳大鹏, 赵景波 - 地球科学进展, 2022 -
榆林西南部靖边地区集中分布的红色砂岩多呈波浪状且层理显著. 探究靖边红色砂岩的沉积成因
, 动力变化, 讨论砂岩沉积时期的古气候特征, 对于深入了解西北地区红层的沉积环境具有指导 …

C4 vegetation characteristics in the monsoon rainforest of the Pearl River delta during the MIS 2 period

D Niu, F Wang, P Shu, B Li, Y Si, X Wen, M Chen… - Organic …, 2022 - Elsevier
The impact of abrupt climate change during glacial periods on terrestrial ecosystems are
widely acknowledged by paleoecology and paleoclimate communities as key issues in the …

Grain Size Composition and Genesis of Lower Cretaceous Sandstone in southwestern Yulin

W Xiaoning, YUE Dapeng, Z Jingbo - Advances in Earth Science, 2022 -
Red sandstone is widely distributed in the Jingbian region in the southwestern areas of
Yulin. The sandstone is predominantly wavy and contains significant sedimentary bedding. It …