Measuring biosignals with single circuit boards

G Ehrmann, T Blachowicz, SV Homburg, A Ehrmann - Bioengineering, 2022 -
To measure biosignals constantly, using textile-integrated or even textile-based electrodes
and miniaturized electronics, is ideal to provide maximum comfort for patients or athletes …

Online learning and classification of EMG-based gestures on a parallel ultra-low power platform using hyperdimensional computing

S Benatti, F Montagna, V Kartsch… - IEEE transactions on …, 2019 -
This paper presents a wearable electromyographic gesture recognition system based on the
hyperdimensional computing paradigm, running on a programmable parallel ultra-lowpower …

Deep back propagation–long short-term memory network based upper-limb sEMG signal classification for automated rehabilitation

Y Wang, Q Wu, N Dey, S Fong, AS Ashour - Biocybernetics and Biomedical …, 2020 - Elsevier
Autonomous rehabilitation training for assisted patients with injured upper-limbs promotes
the regenerative communication between muscle signals and brain consciousness. Surface …

Machine learning-based novel approach to classify the shoulder motion of upper limb amputees

K Amanpreet - Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019 - Elsevier
An upper limb amputation is a traumatic event that can seriously affect the person's capacity
to perform regular tasks and can lead individuals to lose their confidence and autonomy …


K Anandan, N Rajagopalan… - Journal of Mechanics …, 2023 - World Scientific
Exoskeletons are widely used for both rehabilitative and assistive purposes. Controlling the
exoskeleton remains significant to perform the user-defined functions. This work presents …

Evaluation of long-short-term memory on simultaneous and proportional myoelectric control system for individual finger movements

K Anam, NA Rizal, Z Ilyas, C Avian, AZ Muttaqin… - Research on Biomedical …, 2025 - Springer
Purpose Individuals with hand amputations often seek prosthetic devices that closely mimic
the function of natural limbs and interact with them as if they were a natural part of their …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis, development, and evaluation of muscle machine interfaces for the intuitive control of robotic devices

A Dwivedi - Ph. D. dissertation, 2021 -
Humans learn about the environment by interacting with it. With an increasing number of
robotic and prosthetic devices, there is a need for intuitive Muscle-Machine Interfaces …

Selection of classifiers for hand gesture recognition using analytic hierarchy process: a systematic literature review

R Nogales, F Benalcazar, J Guilcapi… - Advances and Applications …, 2021 - Springer
This article presents a systematic study for the selection of classifiers for hand gesture
recognition by electromyography signals. The selection of a classifier can be determined …

Pengenalan Pola Sinyal Electromyography (EMG) pada Gerakan Jari Tangan Kanan

W MULDAYANI, AMN IMRON, K ANAM… - … Jurnal Teknik Energi …, 2020 -
Sinyal EMG merupakan salah satu sinyal yang dapat digunakan untuk memberikanÂ
perintah pada kursi roda listrik. Sinyal EMG yang digunakan diambil dari sinyal otot fleksor …

Optimizing AI at the Edge: from network topology design to MCU deployment

A Burrello - 2023 -
The first topic analyzed in the thesis will be Neural Architecture Search (NAS). I will focus on
two different tools that I developed, one to optimize the architecture of Temporal …