[HTML][HTML] Detecting lies through others' eyes: Children use perceptual access cues to evaluate listeners' beliefs about informants' deception
Children are often third-party observers of conversations between informants and receivers.
Although 5-and 6-year-olds can identify and reject informants' false testimony, it remains …
Although 5-and 6-year-olds can identify and reject informants' false testimony, it remains …
Violation of epistemic expectations: Children monitor what others know and recognize unexpected sources of knowledge
Humans have an intuitive sense of what others know and how they learned it. These
expectations are often latent, but violating them can elicit surprise and curiosity (eg, a …
expectations are often latent, but violating them can elicit surprise and curiosity (eg, a …
The Development of Sharing Experiences: From Dyadic Engagement to Taking Others' Perspectives
We argue that the main difference between humans and other animals lies in humans'
unique form of sociality: their shared intentionality. Instead of conceiving of shared …
unique form of sociality: their shared intentionality. Instead of conceiving of shared …