The radical right gender gap

TE Givens - Comparative political studies, 2004 -
In this article, the author argues that a gender gap exists in the vote for the radical right and
that this gender gap can be explained using techniques drawn from the literature on …

The intermestic politics of immigration policy: Lessons from the Bracero Program

MR Rosenblum - Political Power and Social Theory, 2004 -
Although a quintessentially intermestic issue, immigration policy is usually analyzed as a
one-level (domestic or international) policy question, and existing theories essentially talk …

The radical right gender gap

TE Givens - The Populist Radical Right, 2016 -
Radical right parties gained ground in several coun tries during the 1980s and 1990s. In
France and Denmark they have received from 9% to 15% of the vote and have even become …

[图书][B] Die Wähler der NPD in Ostdeutschland 2005–2011

M Kreter - 2020 -
Im Jahr 2000 gab der damalige Bundesvorsitzende der NPD, Udo Voigt, die Parole „Das
Reich ist unser Ziel, unser Weg die NPD “aus. Nur wenige Jahre später zog seine Partei in …

16 The radical right gender gap

TE Givens - The Populist Radical Right: A Reader, 2016 -
Radical right parties gained ground in several countries during the 1980s and 1990s. In
France and Denmark they have received from 9% to 15% of the vote and have even become …

[引用][C] The radical right gender gap

EG TERRI - The Populist Radical Right: A Reader, 2019 - Routledge

[引用][C] Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

MP Kreter