Toward a mechanistic psychology of dialogue

MJ Pickering, S Garrod - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2004 -
Traditional mechanistic accounts of language processing derive almost entirely from the
study of monologue. Yet, the most natural and basic form of language use is dialogue. As a …

The interactive-alignment model: Developments and refinements

MJ Pickering, S Garrod - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2004 -
The interactive-alignment model of dialogue provides an account of dialogue at the level of
explanation normally associated with cognitive psychology. We develop our claim that …

[PDF][PDF] Non-sentential utterances: Grammar and dialogue dynamics in corpus annotation

R Fernández, J Ginzburg - COLING 2002: The 19th International …, 2002 -
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Computational models of dialogue

J Ginzburg, R Fernández - The handbook of computational …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Computational study of dialogue, the topic of this article, provides underpinnings for the
design of dialogue systems and for models of human performance in conversational …

Is alignment always the result of automatic priming?

RM Krauss, JS Pardo - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2004 -
Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) mechanistic theory of dialogue attempts to detail the
psychological processes involved in communication that are lacking in Clark's theory. By …

Priming and alignment: Mechanism or consequence?

S Brown-Schmidt, MK Tanenhaus - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2004 -
We agree with Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) proposal that dialogue is an important empirical
and theoretical test bed for models of language processing. However, we offer two …

Is language processing different in dialogue?

DJ Barr, B Keysar - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2004 -
Toward a mechanistic psychology of dialogue Page 1 nonalignment at the lexical level. For
example, in Schober’s (1993) example, two interlocutors who are facing each other use different …

[PDF][PDF] Non-sentential utterances in dialogue: A: Corpus-based study

R Fernández, J Ginzburg - … of the third SIGdial workshop on …, 2002 -
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剱ヲ [ウ揀ッ F] q 摶 4 ッ P 啣 エ弌ィ惠'嚆ニ j 剱ヲ g ァウ拔 鼇 訒 鈆ト y オィ剱 [(剱ヲ I ゥ慢  …

SHARDS: Fragment resolution in dialogue

R Fernández, J Ginzburg, H Gregory, S Lappin - Computing meaning, 2004 - Springer
A major challenge for any grammar-driven text understanding system is the resolution of
fragments. Basic examples include bare NP answers (44a), where the bare NP John is …

[图书][B] Accentuation and interpretation

H Schmitz - 2008 -
Develops a highly original theory of accentuation in which accentuation serves the mere
pragmatic function of making utterances well comprehensible. Semantic effects of …