
赵帆, 罗向阳, 刘粉林 - 网络与信息安全学报, 2016 -
网络空间测绘技术是一种网络共性基础与应用技术, 对网络空间测绘相关技术的研究进展进行了
综述和讨论. 首先, 阐述了网络空间测绘的内涵, 给出了网络空间测绘一般技术框架; 然后 …

[PDF][PDF] Internet topology research redux

W Willinger, M Roughan - ACM SIGCOMM eBook: Recent Advances …, 2013 -
Internet topology research is concerned with the study of the various types of connectivity
structures that are enabled by the layered architecture of the Internet. More than a decade of …

Internet topology discovery

B Donnet - Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: From …, 2013 - Springer
Since the nineties, the Internet has seen an impressive growth, in terms of users,
intermediate systems (such as routers), autonomous systems, or applications. In parallel to …

Pythia: yet another active probing technique for alias resolution

P Marchetta, V Persico, A Pescapé - … of the Ninth ACM conference on …, 2013 -
An accurate and exhaustive knowledge of the Internet topology is essential for a deep
understanding of such a complex and ever-evolving ecosystem. In this context, a well-known …

Towards a renewed alias resolution with space search reduction and IP fingerprinting

JF Grailet, B Donnet - 2017 Network Traffic Measurement and …, 2017 -
Since the early 2000's, the Internet Topology has been frequently described and modeled
from the perspective of routers. To this end, alias resolution mechanisms have been …

Detecting third-party addresses in traceroute traces with IP timestamp option

P Marchetta, W de Donato, A Pescapé - … , Hong Kong, China, March 18-19 …, 2013 - Springer
Traceroute is one of the most famous and widely adopted diagnostic tool for computer
networks. Although traceroute is often used to infer links between Autonomous Systems …

DRAGO: Detecting, quantifying and locating hidden routers in traceroute IP paths

P Marchetta, A Pescapé - 2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2013 -
Traceroute is probably the most famous networking tool widely adopted in both industry and
research. Despite its long life, however, measurements based on Traceroute are potentially …

TreeNET: Discovering and connecting subnets

JF Grailet, F Tarissan, B Donnet - 8th International Workshop on …, 2016 -
Since the early 2000's, the Internet topology has been an attractive and important research
topic, either for developing data collection mechanisms, and for analyzing and modeling the …

ISP Probing Reduction with Anaximander

E Marechal, P Mérindol, B Donnet - International Conference on Passive …, 2022 - Springer
Since the early 2000's, Internet topology discovery has been an active research topic,
providing data for various studies such as Internet modeling, network management, or to …

Network fingerprinting: Routers under attack

E Marechal, B Donnet - 2020 IEEE European Symposium on …, 2020 -
Nowadays, simple tools such as traceroute can be used by attackers to acquire topology
knowledge remotely. Worse still, attackers can use a lightweight fingerprinting technique …