The use of barriers to limit the spread of aquatic invasive animal species: A global review
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are one of the principal threats to freshwater biodiversity.
Exclusion barriers are increasingly being used as a management strategy to control the …
Exclusion barriers are increasingly being used as a management strategy to control the …
Selective fragmentation and the management of fish movement across anthropogenic barriers
FJ Rahel, RL McLaughlin - Ecological Applications, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Disruption of movement patterns due to alterations in habitat connectivity is a pervasive
effect of humans on animal populations. In many terrestrial and aquatic systems, there is …
effect of humans on animal populations. In many terrestrial and aquatic systems, there is …
Disgust: evolved function and structure.
Interest in and research on disgust has surged over the past few decades. The field,
however, still lacks a coherent theoretical framework for understanding the evolved function …
however, still lacks a coherent theoretical framework for understanding the evolved function …
Non-physical barriers to deter fish movements
MR Noatch, CD Suski - Environmental Reviews, 2012 -
Anthropogenic modifications to aquatic ecosystems have altered connecting pathways
within, and in some cases, between watersheds. Human structures, such as hydroelectric …
within, and in some cases, between watersheds. Human structures, such as hydroelectric …
Reproductive ecology of lampreys
Lampreys typically spawn in riffle habitats during the spring. Spawning activity and diel (ie,
during daylight and at night) behavioral patterns are initiated when spring water …
during daylight and at night) behavioral patterns are initiated when spring water …
Chemical avoidance responses of fishes
KB Tierney - Aquatic Toxicology, 2016 - Elsevier
The hydrosphere is a repository for all of our waste and mistakes, be they sewage, garbage,
process-affected waters, runoff, and gases. For fish living in environments receiving …
process-affected waters, runoff, and gases. For fish living in environments receiving …
Chemical cues and pheromones in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
Chemical cues and pheromones guide decisions in organisms throughout the animal
kingdom. The neurobiology, function, and evolution of olfaction are particularly well …
kingdom. The neurobiology, function, and evolution of olfaction are particularly well …
[HTML][HTML] A renewed philosophy about supplemental sea lamprey controls
Invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes have
been reduced by up to 90% through the use of selective pesticides (lampricides) and …
been reduced by up to 90% through the use of selective pesticides (lampricides) and …
Use of physiological knowledge to control the invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes
MJ Siefkes - Conservation Physiology, 2017 -
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America
is an example of using physiological knowledge to successfully control an invasive species …
is an example of using physiological knowledge to successfully control an invasive species …
Single-stream recycling inspires selective fish passage solutions for the connectivity conundrum in aquatic ecosystems
Barrier removal is a recognized solution for reversing river fragmentation, but restoring
connectivity can have consequences for both desirable and undesirable species, resulting …
connectivity can have consequences for both desirable and undesirable species, resulting …