Why do firms use private equity to opt out of public markets?

ST Bharath, AK Dittmar - The Review of Financial Studies, 2010 - academic.oup.com
We investigate how firms weigh the costs and benefits of being public in the decision to opt
out of the public market and go private. We draw on previous studies of going private and on …

Merger‐Motivated IPOs

A Hovakimian, I Hutton - Financial management, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, we find support for initial public offerings (IPOs) motivated by subsequent
acquisition activity. Over a third of newly public firms enter the market for corporate control as …

Media reputation: a source of banks' financial performance

NT Doan, DP Hoang, AHT Pham - International Journal of Bank …, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Based on the resource-based view (RBV) and the signaling theory, this paper
examines the effect of media reputation on financial performance as well as the moderating …

Can investors anticipate post-IPO mergers and acquisitions?

CW Anderson, J Huang, G Torna - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2017 - Elsevier
Given the frequency and value implications of post-IPO merger and acquisition activity, we
investigate empirically whether investors can utilize information based on IPO deal structure …

Why firms favour the AIM when they can list on main market?

JA Doukas, H Hoque - Journal of International Money and Finance, 2016 - Elsevier
It is often argued that the popularity of Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in terms of higher
number of listings relative to the Main Market (MM) is mainly due to the strict listing …

Private matters

J Helwege, F Packer - Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2009 - Elsevier
Why do private firms stay private? Empirical evidence on this issue is sparse, as most private
firms in the US do not report their financial results. We investigate why private status matters …

The Interplay of IPO and M&A Markets

N Aktas, C Andres, A Ozdakak - The Oxford Handbook of IPOs, 2018 - books.google.com
This chapter seeks to analyze the interactions of initial public offerings (IPOs) and mergers
and acquisitions (M&As), in contrast with the common approach of studying them in …

Dividends, maturity, and acquisitions: Evidence from a sample of bank IPOs

MM Cornett, A Fayman, AJ Marcus… - Review of Financial …, 2011 - Elsevier
Post-IPO banks are far more likely to initiate dividends than nonfinancial IPO firms.
Moreover, dividend initiation has a significant impact on the ultimate disposition of a newly …

[PDF][PDF] Determinants of Investor's Subscription Level of IPOs: Evidence from Indian Capital Market in Post Mandatory IPO Grading Regime.

S Banerjee, KT Rangamani - DLSU Business & Economics …, 2015 - researchgate.net
Capital market is an important channel, through which savings can be moved to productive
sectors of an economy. Stock markets play a major role in the development of national …

Факторы успешного осуществления IPO банка в условиях цикличности мирового рынка

ВА Беляев - 2023 - open.mgimo.ru
Диссертация посвящена определению значимых факторов, влияющих на успешность
выхода кредитных организаций на IPO. В работе проведен комплексный анализ рынка …