Social choice and social networks

U Grandi - Trends in Computational Social Choice, 2017 -
Individuals do not typically reason in isolation when confronted with collectivedecision
making, but rather take into consideration the preferences of likeminded individuals and …

[PDF][PDF] Adapting the social network to affect elections

S Sina, N Hazon, A Hassidim, S Kraus - Proceedings of the 2015 …, 2015 - Citeseer
We investigate the effect a social network could have on voting outcomes. We consider a
group of self-interested agents where each agent has a strict preference order over a set of …

[PDF][PDF] Empathetic social choice on social networks.

A Salehi-Abari, C Boutilier - AAMAS, 2014 -
Social networks play a central role in individual interactions and decision making. While it is
recognized that networks can correlate behaviors and preferences among connected …

Updates and uncertainty in CP-nets

C Cornelio, J Goldsmith, N Mattei, F Rossi… - AI 2013: Advances in …, 2013 - Springer
In this paper we present a two-fold generalization of conditional preference networks (CP-
nets) that incorporates uncertainty. CP-nets are a formal tool to model qualitative conditional …

Algorithms for destructive shift bribery

A Kaczmarczyk, P Faliszewski - Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2019 - Springer
We study the complexity of Destructive Shift Bribery. In this problem, we are given an
election with a set of candidates and a set of voters (each ranking the candidates from the …

Reasoning with PCP-nets

C Cornelio, J Goldsmith, U Grandi, N Mattei… - Journal of Artificial …, 2021 -
We introduce PCP-nets, a formalism to model qualitative conditional preferences with
probabilistic uncertainty. PCP-nets generalise CP-nets by allowing for uncertainty over the …

[PDF][PDF] Reasoning with PCP-nets in a Multi-Agent Context.

C Cornelio, U Grandi, J Goldsmith, N Mattei, F Rossi… - AAMAS, 2015 -
ABSTRACT PCP-nets generalize CP-nets to model conditional preferences with
probabilistic uncertainty. In this paper we use PCP-nets in a multiagent context to compactly …

[PDF][PDF] Moral preferences

F Rossi - The 10th Workshop on Advances in Preference …, 2016 -
How do humans or machines make a decision? Whenever we make a decision, we consider
our preferences over the possible options. Also, in a social context, collective decisions are …

[HTML][HTML] Complexity results for preference aggregation over (m) CP-nets: Pareto and majority voting

T Lukasiewicz, E Malizia - Artificial Intelligence, 2019 - Elsevier
Aggregating preferences over combinatorial domains has many applications in artificial
intelligence (AI). Given the inherent exponential nature of preferences over combinatorial …

Manipulating an election in social networks through edge addition

V Auletta, D Ferraioli, V Savarese - AI* IA 2019–Advances in Artificial …, 2019 - Springer
We investigate the effects that social influence can have on the behaviour of agents in a
social network in the context of an election. In particular, we study how the structure of a …