Subunit composition, distribution and function of GABA-A receptor subtypes

W Sieghart, G Sperk - Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 2002 -
GABA-A receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and are
the site of action of many clinically important drugs. These receptors are composed of five …

GABA: an excitatory transmitter in early postnatal life

E Cherubini, JL Gaiarsa, Y Ben-Ari - Trends in neurosciences, 1991 -
It inhibits neuronal firing by increasing a Cl-conductance. Bicuculline blocks this effect and
induces interictal discharges. A different picture is present in neonatal hippocampal …

Cloned and expressed nitric oxide synthase structurally resembles cytochrome P-450 reductase

DS Bredt, PM Hwang, CE Glatt, C Lowenstein… - Nature, 1991 -
Nitric oxide is a messenger molecule, mediating the effect of endothelium-derived relaxing
factor in blood vessels and the cytotoxic actions of macrophages, and playing a part in …

Divalent ion permeability of AMPA receptor channels is dominated by the edited form of a single subunit

N Burnashev, H Monyer, PH Seeburg, B Sakmann - Neuron, 1992 -
Functionally diverse GluR channels of the AMPA subtype are generated by the assembly of
CIuR-A,-B,-C, and-D subunits into home-and heteromeric channels. The CIuR-B subunit is …

Ionic basis of GABAA receptor channel function in the nervous system

K Kaila - Progress in neurobiology, 1994 - Elsevier
The concept of nervous inhibition as a physiological phenomenon in its own right--not
merely as a lack of excitation--was central to a number of early theories on the integrative …

Molecular biology of GABAA receptors

RW Olsen, AJ Tobin - The FASEB Journal, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
The major type of receptor for the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA),
called the GABAA receptor, is a member of a gene superfamily of ligand‐gated ion …

Identification of a specialized adenylyl cyclase that may mediate odorant detection

HA Bakalyar, RR Reed - Science, 1990 -
The mammalian olfactory system may transduce odorant information via a G protein-
mediated adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cAMP) cascade. A newly discovered …

The diversity of GABAA receptors: Pharmacological and electrophysiological properties of GABAA channel subtypes

W Hevers, H Lüddens - Molecular neurobiology, 1998 - Springer
The amino acid γ-aminobutyric-acid (GABA) prevails in the CNS as an inhibitory neurotrans-
mitter that mediates most of its effects through fast GABA-gated Cl−-channels (GABA AR) …

Functional comparison of neurotransmitter receptor subtypes in mammalian central nervous system

RA Nicoll, RC Malenka, JA Kauer - Physiological reviews, 1990 -
Communication between nerve cells in the central nervous system (CNS) occurs at
synapses, which are specialized sites between the presynaptic nerve terminal and the …

GABA receptor mechanisms in the central nervous system

L Sivilotti, A Nistri - Progress in neurobiology, 1991 - Elsevier
C1 equilibrium potential 1PSP reversal potential Dose producing a half-maximal response
Excitatory postsynaptic potential y-Aminobutyric acid GABA transaminase Glutamic acid …