Young people with specific language impairment: A review of social and emotional functioning in adolescence

K Durkin, G Conti-Ramsden - Child Language Teaching and …, 2010 -
This article provides a review of research into the social and emotional functioning of
adolescents with specific language impairment (SLI). In particular, we focus on peer …

[图书][B] Visible learning: The sequel: A synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses relating to achievement

J Hattie - 2023 -
When the original Visible Learning® was published in 2008, it instantly became a publishing
sensation. Interest in the book was unparalleled; it sold out in days and was described by …

Menyoroti budaya patriarki di Indonesia

AI Sakina - Share Social Work Journal, 2017 -
Sampai saat ini budaya patriarki masih langgeng berkembang di tatanan masyarakat
Indonesia. Budaya ini dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai aspek dan ruang lingkup, seperti …

[图书][B] Visible learning and the science of how we learn

J Hattie, GCR Yates - 2013 -
On publication in 2009 John Hattie's Visible Learning presented the biggest ever collection
of research into what actually work in schools to improve children's learning. Not what was …

Postschool educational and employment experiences of young people with specific language impairment

G Conti-Ramsden, K Durkin - 2012 - ASHA
Purpose This study examined the postschool educational and employment experiences of
young people with and without specific language impairment (SLI). Method Nineteen-year …

Instruction based on feedback

J Hattie, M Gan - Handbook of research on learning and …, 2011 -
There is a preponderance of evidence that feedback is a powerful influence in the
development of learning outcomes. Two findings from the many meta-analyses of the effects …

[图书][B] L'apprentissage visible pour les enseignants: connaître son impact pour maximiser le rendement des élèves

J Hattie - 2020 -
L'ouvrage remarquable de John Hattie, Visible Learning for Teachers, synthétise les
résultats de plus de 15 années de recherche sur les apprentissages visibles et signifiants …

Rates of cyber victimization and bullying among male Australian primary and high school students

T Sakellariou, A Carroll… - School Psychology …, 2012 -
The prevalence and nature of electronic forms of bullying (cyberbullying) was investigated
among 1,530 primary and secondary school aged male students (Years 6 to 12; 9-18 years …

The role of positive youth development on mental health for youth of color living in high-stress communities: A strengths-based approach.

O Onyeka, M Richards, K Tyson McCrea… - Psychological …, 2022 -
Adolescents of color experiencing chronic environmental stress are at an increased risk for
adverse mental health concerns and problems behaviors. Concepts drawn from the Positive …

Sport, physical activity and educational achievement–towards an explanatory model

R Bailey - Sport in Society, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Sport and other forms of physical activities have traditionally held an ambiguous place within
schooling, often being pushed to the margins. At the same time, there is a consensus that …