The wilderness idea reaffirmed

H Rolston - 1991 -
The concept of wilderness is coherent and vital for the protection of intrinsic natural values.
Baird Callicott's nondiscriminating account of humans as entirely natural is a metaphysical …

[图书][B] Rethinking wilderness

M Woods - 2017 -
The concept and values of wilderness, along with the practice of wilderness preservation,
have been under attack for the past several decades. In Rethinking Wilderness, Mark Woods …

The natural ecological value of wilderness

HK Cordell, D Murphy, KH Riitters… - In: The Multiple Values …, 2005 -
In Chapters 7 through 10 of this book, we examined the social and economic benefits or
values from Wilderness. In this chapter, we attempt to examine the natural ecological values …

[图书][B] Reclaiming the last wild places: a new agenda for biodiversity.

RL DiSilvestro - 1993 -
The book traces the history of conservation and federal land management in America from
the 19th century to the present, and discusses problems that have arisen during that time. It …

Wilderness by state mandate: a survey of state-designated wilderness areas.

MR Peterson - 1996 -
This study examines the status of state-administered wilderness areas in the USA to
determine how extensive these state land designations are; to assess how the areas are …

[图书][B] Rethinking wilderness

M Woods - 1997 -
Wilderness preservation is an important issue within the field of environmental ethics. In
recent years wilderness has come under attack from people in a variety of different fields …

Stakeholder perspectives regarding the ecosystem services produced by the frank church-river of No return wilderness in Central Idaho

BT Irey - 2014 -
Wilderness management is directed by policy and legislation that mandates protection of the
values associated with wilderness character. However, there is ample evidence to suggest …

How the national park service from America should step-up its wilderness management.

G Enck - 2010 -
Renowned historian and western writer WALLACE STEGNER calls the National Parks the
best idea America ever had. He makes his case on the observation that voters make “almost …

The human context and natural character of wilderness lands

HK Cordell, D Murphy, KH Riitters… - In: The Multiple Values …, 2005 -
This chapter describes the lands that make up the National Wilderness Preservation System
(NWPS). The first section includes statistics on trends in designations since the creation of …

Social costing for preservation decisions: the nature, significance and elicitation of wilderness values

C Roessler - 1993 -
This thesis is designed to serve the following purposes:(1) to increase awareness of values
and wilderness values;(2) to highlight the significance of meaningfully including stakeholder …