Teleparallel Killing vectors of the Einstein universe

M Sharif, MJ Amir - Modern Physics Letters A, 2008 - World Scientific
In this paper we establish the definition of the Lie derivative of a second rank tensor in the
context of teleparallel theory of gravity and also extend it for a general tensor of rank p+ q …

Noether symmetries of Bianchi type II spacetimes

M Hickman, S Yazdan - General Relativity and Gravitation, 2017 - Springer
This paper is devoted to investigate Noether symmetries of Bianchi type II spacetimes. We
use the reduced involutive form of the determining equations to classify their possible …

Ricci and matter collineations of locally rotationally symmetric space-times

M Tsamparlis, PS Apostolopoulos - General Relativity and Gravitation, 2004 - Springer
A new method is presented for the determination of Ricci Collineations (RC) and Matter
Collineations (MC) of a given spacetime, in the cases where the Ricci tensor and the energy …

Ricci collineations of the Bianchi types I and III, and Kantowski–Sachs spacetimes

U CAMCI, H Baysal, İ Tarhan, İ Yilmaz… - International Journal of …, 2001 - World Scientific
Ricci collineations of the Bianchi types I and III, and Kantowski–Sachs spacetimes are
classified according to their Ricci collineation vector (RCV) field of the form (i)–(iv) one …

Curvature collineations of some static spherically symmetric space–times

AH Bokhari, AR Kashif - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1996 -
Over the past few years there has been much interest in the classification of solutions of the
Einstein field equations in terms of their isometries. These isometries are given by Killing …

Classification of cylindrically symmetric static spacetimes according to their Ricci collineations

A Qadir, K Saifullah, M Ziad - General Relativity and Gravitation, 2003 - Springer
A complete classification of cylindrically symmetric static Lorentzian manifolds according to
their Ricci collineations (RCs) is provided. The Lie algebras of RCs for the non-degenerate …

Ricci collineations of the Bianchi type II, VIII, and IX space-times

I Yavuz, U Camci - General Relativity and Gravitation, 1996 - Springer
Ricci and contracted Ricci collineations of the Bianchi type II, VIII, and IX space-times,
associated with the vector fields of the form (i) one component of ξ a (xb) is different from …

Classification of curvature collineations of plane symmetric static spacetimes

AH Bokhari, AR Kashif, A Qadir - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2000 -
In General Relativity GR there exists a large body of literature on classification of space–
times according to their isometries or Killing vectors KVs, and the groups admitted by them. 1 …

The classification of static plane symmetric space–times according to their Ricci collineations

TB Farid, A Qadir, M Ziad - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1995 -
Static plane symmetric space-times are classified according to their Ricci collineations
(RCs). Their relation with isometries of the space-times is established. Unlike the spherically …

Matter collineations in Kantowski-Sachs, Bianchi types I and III spacetimes

U Camci, M Sharif - General Relativity and Gravitation, 2003 - Springer
The matter collineation classifications of Kantowski-Sachs, Bianchi types I and III space
times are studied according to their degenerate and non-degenerate energy-momentum …