Uncertainty representation in software models: a survey

J Troya, N Moreno, MF Bertoa, A Vallecillo - Software and Systems …, 2021 - Springer
This paper provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of research work on how
uncertainty is currently represented in software models. The survey presents the definitions …

Complex object comparison in a fuzzy context

N Marın, JM Medina, O Pons, D Sánchez… - Information and software …, 2003 - Elsevier
The comparison concept plays a determining role in many problems related to object
management in an Object-Oriented Database Model. Object comparison is appropriately …

[PDF][PDF] A survey of fuzzy techniques in object oriented databases

PK Shukla, M Darbari, VK Singh, SP Tripathi - International Journal of …, 2011 - Citeseer
Exact information has become crucial part of the modern database applications and next
generation information systems to make them more human friendly. In order to deal with …

Managing fuzziness on conventional object‐oriented platforms

F Berzal, N Marín, O Pons… - International Journal of …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
During the last few years, many database researchers have aimed their efforts at extending
the object‐oriented model for dealing with different kinds of imperfect information. Some of …

Uncertain and fuzzy object bases: a data model and algebraic operations

TH Cao, H Nguyen - International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness …, 2011 - World Scientific
Fuzzy set theory and probability theory are complementary for soft computing, in particular
object-oriented systems with imprecise and uncertain object properties. However, current …

Detection of abnormal traffic and network intrusions based on multiple fuzzy rules

S Toliupa, I Parkhomenko, R Ziubina… - Procedia Computer …, 2022 - Elsevier
Fuzzy network intrusion detection systems use a set of fuzzy rules using symmetric Gaussian
membership functions to determine the probability of specific or common network attacks. A …

FPDB40: a fuzzy and probabilistic object base management system

M Nam, NTB Ngoc, H Nguyen… - 2007 IEEE International …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
For modelling real-world problems and constructing intelligent systems, integration of
different methodologies and techniques has been the quest and focus of significant …

A framework to build fuzzy object-oriented capabilities over an existing database system

F Berzal, N Marín, O Pons - Advances in fuzzy object-oriented …, 2005 - igi-global.com
Fuzzy object-oriented database models allow the representation, storage, and retrieval of
complex imperfect information according to the object-oriented data paradigm. This chapter …

A constraint based fuzzy object oriented database model

G De Tré, R De Caluwe - Advances in Fuzzy Object-Oriented …, 2005 - igi-global.com
The objective of this chapter is to define a fuzzy object-oriented formal database model that
allows us to model and manipulate information in a (true to nature) natural way. Not all the …

Sistemas de bases de datos difusas sensibles al contexto

JT Cadenas Lucero - 2016 - digibug.ugr.es
El avance de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, además de sistemas
móviles y sensores presentes en el mundo real, producen una gran cantidad de datos que …