American populism, Glenn Beck and affective media production

O Jutel - International Journal of Cultural Studies, 2018 -
This article examines the centrality of affective media production to contemporary American
populism with a case study of the right-wing broadcaster Glenn Beck. The rise of far-right …

The liberal field of journalism and the political – The New York Times, Fox News and the Tea Party

O Jutel - Journalism, 2016 -
This article looks at the challenge posed to the liberal field of journalism by Tea Party
populism and Fox News' attempt to claim the cultural capital of journalism. The Tea Party …

American populism and the new political economy of the media field

O Jutel - The Political Economy of Communication, 2013 -
The emergence of the Tea Party as a specifically mediatized, populist movement owing its
success to its close affiliation with Fox News, is emblematic of the new political economy of …

[HTML][HTML] L'activisme numérique au regard du consumérisme politique: Pirates et Tea Partiers sous la loupe

N Baygert - Participations, 2014 -
Les potentialités liées au décloisonnement numérique de la parole politique facilitent le
processus de co-construction d'une offre partisane d'un nouveau type. Le consumérisme …

Sociopsychoanalysis and Radical Humanism A Fromm–Bourdieu Synthesis

M Maccoby, N McLaughlin - 2019 -
The social theories of Anthony Giddens and Erich Fromm have shared existential
foundations in a conception of the human being as inherently contradictory by virtue of …

[PDF][PDF] Glenn Beck and affective media production

O Jutel - International Communication Association, 2016 -
After the election of Barack Obama as US president in 2008, Glenn Beck emerged as a
powerful populist demagogue and leader of the Tea Party from the pulpit of Fox. A cross …

[引用][C] Neoliberalization, media, and union resistance: identity struggles in New Zealand education 1984-2014: a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the …

LA Salter - 2018 - Massey University