[PDF][PDF] 我国货币政策调控对产出和通胀影响的水平效应和波动率效应研究
刘金全, 孙玉祥, 周欣 - 商业经济与管理, 2023 -
在“三重压力” 下, 我国货币政策调控要实现“稳增长” 和“防通胀” 在水平值和波动率上的“双重稳定
”, 既要保持适度经济增速, 又要防止通货膨胀快速上升, 还要防止产出和通胀波动形成的经济 …
”, 既要保持适度经济增速, 又要防止通货膨胀快速上升, 还要防止产出和通胀波动形成的经济 …
[HTML][HTML] Mergers, firm size, and volatility in a granular economy
We study the firm dynamics associated with mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and their
implications at the micro and macro levels. Our paper presents three main findings:(i) …
implications at the micro and macro levels. Our paper presents three main findings:(i) …
An empirical analysis of the global input–output network and its evolution
J Grazzini, A Spelta - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper studies the global production network using a general equilibrium model
calibrated on world input–output data. The analysis of propagation of idiosyncratic …
calibrated on world input–output data. The analysis of propagation of idiosyncratic …
The Great Moderation and the Financial Cycle
F Lucke - Friedrich Lucke, 2022 - papers.ssrn.com
We show that the defining features of the Great Moderation were a shift from output volatility
to medium-term fluctuations and a shift in the origin of those fluctuations from the real to the …
to medium-term fluctuations and a shift in the origin of those fluctuations from the real to the …
Essais en macroéconomie et le cycle financier
F Lucke - 2022 - publications.ut-capitole.fr
Cette thèse est divisée en trois essais: macroéconomie et marchés du crédit. Elle met
l'accent sur (i) la nature récurrente des événements macroéconomiques, en particulier les …
l'accent sur (i) la nature récurrente des événements macroéconomiques, en particulier les …
[PDF][PDF] The End of an Era
R Thiagarajan, H Im, A Khasnis - 2023 - statestreet.com
As one of the world's largest servicers and managers of institutional assets, our success
depends upon the success of our stakeholders—our clients, employees, investors, and the …
depends upon the success of our stakeholders—our clients, employees, investors, and the …