Dynamic air-bearing hardware-in-the-loop testbed to experimentally evaluate autonomous spacecraft proximity maneuvers

R Zappulla, J Virgili-Llop, C Zagaris, H Park… - Journal of Spacecraft …, 2017 - arc.aiaa.org
Ground-based testbeds are critical to develop and test different elements of spacecraft
guidance, navigation, and control subsystems. This paper provides an in-detail description …

[PDF][PDF] A six degree-of-freedom spacecraft dynamics simulator for formation control research

YK Nakka, RC Foust, ES Lupu… - 2018 AAS/AIAA …, 2018 - authors.library.caltech.edu
This paper presents a new six-degree-of-freedom robotic spacecraft simulator, the Multi-
Spacecraft Testbed for Autonomy Research (M-STAR), for testing formation guidance …

[图书][B] Spacecraft motion planning and control under probabilistic uncertainty for coordinated inspection and safe learning

YK Nakka - 2021 - search.proquest.com
During a spacecraft mission design process, engineers often balance the following three
criteria: science return, optimality in performance, and safety. Given a science criterion …

Hybrid Open/Closed-Loop Attitude Control Method for Imaging Satellites

G Lavezzi, M Ciarcià - Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021 - ascelibrary.org
In this work, we focus on the attitude control problem of an imaging satellite required to
acquire and accurately track a target area on the Earth's surface. The proposed hybrid …

[PDF][PDF] 航天器质量特性在线辨识方法及地面验证

徐旭, 张桀睿, 王冠, 马广程, 夏红伟 - 中国惯性技术学报, 2022 - zggxjsxb.com
针对航天器质量特性在线辨识问题, 建立了适用于航天器转动惯量辨识的数学模型,
分析了其可辨识性和数据采样时间的影响机理. 基于渐消记忆递推最小二乘辨识理论 …

Optimal guidance and control of heterogeneous swarms for in-orbit self-assembly of large space structures: Algorithms and experiments

RC Foust - 2019 - ideals.illinois.edu
Satellite design has been harshly constrained by surviving entry into space though the
majority of the satellite's lifetime exists in much calmer conditions. Significant study has …

[图书][B] Design, Development, and Testing of Near-Optimal Satellite Attitude Control Strategies

G Lavezzi - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Advances in space technology and interest toward remote sensing mission have grown in
the recent years, requiring the attitude control subsystems of observation satellites to …

[引用][C] A near-optimal attitude control for an earth imaging satellite

G Lavezzi, M Ciarcià - 31st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting …, 2021