Climates of democracy: Skeptical, rational, and radical imaginaries

A Machin - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
How will the theories and practices of democracy fare in a climate changing world? Are
conventional democratic institutions ultimately doomed or are they able to become more …

One earth, many futures, no destination

M Hulme - One Earth, 2020 -
Since the first Earth Day 50 years ago, it has become clear that it is easier to generate
scientific insight into the ways human systems are altering the planet than it is to redirect …

Democracy, disagreement, disruption: agonism and the environmental state

A Machin - The political prospects of a sustainability transformation, 2021 -
Contemporary liberal democratic states seem to be headed towards inevitable
environmental crisis. These states are locked into unsustainable practices and appear to …

[图书][B] Democratic respect: Populism, resentment, and the struggle for recognition

CF Rostbøll - 2023 -
Commentators often interpret the resentment of supporters of populism as blindly emotional
and unconnected to facts and principles. Democratic Respect argues instead that we should …

Second-order political thinking: Compromise versus populism

CF Rostbøll - Political studies, 2021 -
The literature often mentions that populism is in conflict with the politics of compromise.
However, the opposition remains vague and undertheorized. This article confronts populism …

[图书][B] Gesellschaft und Klima

N Stehr, A Machin - 2019 -
Das vorliegende Buch verdeutlicht die hochgradige Komplexität des Verhältnisses von
Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Klima. Die Tatsache des Klimawandels erfordert eine …

Hijacking the Postmodern Project: Post-Truth and the Need to De-politicize Epistemological Dispute

A Ruser - Social Epistemology, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
More than four decades ago postmodern thinkers began to challenge scientific authority and
the alleged cementing of existing power structures by scientific knowledge. Today a new …

Why do populists scorn compromises (and how do they live with them)?

S Baume, Y Papadopoulos - Journal of Political Ideologies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Both political theorists and scholars working on populism with an ideational approach have
frequently noted that populists are averse to compromise. However, the negative …

Climate change and green democratic transformations

A Machin - The Routledge Handbook of Democracy and …, 2022 -
Despite growing awareness of the problem of climate change, societies around the world
struggle to transform. It might seem appropriate to blame the democratic institutions and …

Compromise and Publicity in Democracy: An Ambiguous Relationship

S Baume, S Novak - Compromises in Democracy, 2020 - Springer
Publicity and compromise each play a crucial role in contemporary democracies. Publicity is
a highly valued aspect of good governance, while compromise is unavoidable when it …