Reconstruction of itineraries from annotated text with an informed spanning tree algorithm

L Moncla, M Gaio, J Nogueras-Iso… - International Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Considerable amounts of geographical data are still collected not in form of GIS data but just
as natural language texts. This paper proposes an approach for the automatic geocoding of …

Automatic reconstruction of itineraries from descriptive texts

L Moncla - 2015 -
This PhD thesis is part of the research project PERDIDO, which aims at extracting and
retrieving displacements from textual documents. This work was conducted in collaboration …

[PDF][PDF] Discovering temporal narrative containers in clinical text

T Miller, S Bethard, D Dligach, S Pradhan… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
The clinical narrative contains a great deal of valuable information that is only
understandable in a temporal context. Events, time expressions, and temporal relations …

[PDF][PDF] XRCE-T: XIP Temporal Module for TempEval campaign.

C Hagège, X Tannier - … of the fourth international workshop on …, 2007 -
We present the system we used for the TempEval competition. This system relies on a deep
syntactic analyzer that has been extended for the treatment of temporal expressions, thus …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic annotation approach of events in news articles

A Elkhlifi, R Faiz - International Journal of Computing & Information …, 2009 - Citeseer
Daily, several news agencies publish thousands of articles concerning many events of all
types (political, economic, cultural, etc.). The decision-makers find themselves in front of a …

Annotation of events and temporal expressions in French texts

A Bittar - Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 19, 2009 -
An important part of natural language text comprehension is the understanding of temporal
information. TimeML is a specification language designed for the markup of temporal …

[PDF][PDF] Towards answering procedural questions

F Aouladomar - Proc. IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and …, 2005 -
In this paper, we first present an analysis of procedural question structure. Next, we
investigate the structure of procedural texts and of the relevant rhetorical relations of interest …

La composante temps dans l'information géographique textuelle: Extraction et recherche d'information dans des fonds documentaires patrimoniaux numérisés

A Le Parc-Lacayrelle, M Gaio, C Sallaberry - Document numérique, 2007 -
Résumé Les travaux présentés dans ce papier se situent dans le cadre de la recherche
d'information géographique. Notre objectif est d'exploiter les fonds documentaires …

[图书][B] Temporal information retrieval

OR Alonso - 2008 -
Time is an important dimension of any information space and can be very useful in
information retrieval tasks such as document exploration, similarity search, and clustering …

[PDF][PDF] Towards generating procedural texts: An exploration of their rhetorical and argumentative structure

F Aouladomar, P Saint-Dizier - Proceedings of the Tenth …, 2005 -
Instructional texts consist of sequences of instructions designed in order to reach an
objective. The author or the generator of instructional texts must follow a number of …