The effects of understory vegetation on P availability in Pinus radiata forest stands: A review

A Arivin Rivaie - Journal of Forestry Research, 2014 - Springer
In many second-rotation Pinus radiata forest plantations, there has been a steady trend
towards wider tree spacing and an increased rate of application of P fertiliser. Under these …

Management of heavy metals in tropical soil environment

AK Salam - 2017 -
The management of heavy metals in the soil environment is of utmost importance, in
particular related to the more polluted environment in the last few decades. Several …

Understory vegetation interacts with nitrogen addition to affect soil phosphorus transformations in a nutrient-poor Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation

X Zhang, Q Zhao, QY Sun, B Mao, DH Zeng - Forest Ecology and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Globally increasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has aggravated phosphorus (P)
limitation in many forests around the world. However, how N deposition affects soil P …

The effects of erosion on the microbial populations and enzyme activity in black soil of northeastern China

S Hou, M Xin, L Wang, H Jiang, N Li, Z Wang - Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014 - Elsevier
Soil erosion may deteriorate soil microbial ecosystems, and assessing the impacts of soil
erosion on soil micro-biological properties is important for eroded-soil restoration. Based on …

Nitrogen addition elevated autumn phosphorus retranslocation of living needles but not resorption in a nutrient-poor Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica plantation

LL Zheng, Q Zhao, QY Sun, L Liu, DH Zeng - Forest Ecology and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Continuously increasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has aggravated phosphorus
(P) limitation in many forests worldwide, but how trees change nutrient use efficiency to …


汪洋, 杨殿林, 王丽丽, 沈晓琳… - … /Nongye Ziyuan yu …, 2020 -
以湖北省十堰市郧阳区谭家湾茶园为研究对象开展覆盖作物多样性试验, 设置四种覆盖作物种植 …

Effect of weed management in coffee plantation on soil chemical properties

Sarno, J Lumbanraja, Afandi, T Adachi, Y Oki… - Nutrient Cycling in …, 2004 - Springer
Coffee plantation in south Sumatra, Indonesia, is developed on the slopes in hilly areas,
where soil erosion is a severe problem. Introduction of weed as cover plant has been found …

Effects of cover crops on soil enzyme activity and organic carbon mineralization in a tea plantation.

Y Wang, DL Yang, LL Wang, XL Shen, JN Zhao… - 2020 -
The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of different mulch planting patterns on soil
enzyme activity and organic carbon mineralization in a tea plantation. The cover crop …

[PDF][PDF] Pengantar Ilmu Kimia Tanah

AK Salam - 2023 -
Buku ini saya beri judul Pengantar Ilmu KIMIA TANAH. Pengantar Ilmu Kimia Tanah
merupakan buku hasil kompilasi bahan-bahan yang saya gunakan sebagai materi …

Assessment of degradation and generation of humus in a coffee soil affected by weed cover by means of a stable carbon isotopic ratio

A Watanabe, H Takada, Sarno, Afandi… - European journal of …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
We evaluated the effect of soil conservation by weeds on the degradation and generation of
humic acids, fulvic acids, and water‐soluble non‐humic substances (WS‐NHS) in a red‐acid …