Why do firms repurchase stock

AK Dittmar - The journal of Business, 2000 - JSTOR
In this article, I investigate the relation between stock repurchases and distribution,
investment, capital structure, corporate control, and compensation policies over the 1977–96 …

Does prior record matter in the wealth effect of open-market share repurchase announcements?

SC Chang, SS Chen, LY Chen - International Review of Economics & …, 2010 - Elsevier
This study investigates whether prior experience of share repurchases matters in the market
reactions to the subsequent repurchase announcements. Specifically, we study the prior …

Why do firms undertake accelerated share repurchase programs?

TJ Chemmanur, Y Cheng, T Zhang - Available at SSRN 1570842, 2010 - papers.ssrn.com
Accelerated share repurchase (ASR) programs, an innovative way of repurchasing shares,
have become increasingly popular in recent years. In this paper, we analyze firms' rationale …

The intra-industry effect of share repurchase deregulation: Evidence from Taiwan

SC Chang, JH Lai, CH Yu - … of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and …, 2005 - World Scientific
Share repurchases were deregulated in Taiwan in 2000. The regulatory provisions and the
government's stated aim of market stabilization provide a setting in which share repurchases …

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CH HSIEH - Trans. On Ind. Electron, 1992 - ndltd.ncl.edu.tw
本文以明人小說序跋為基礎, 秉持歷史承衍意識, 將大量收集的小說序跋文本,
依撰寫時間先後進行排序, 再分別從小說文類變化, 傳播型態變遷, 商業出版轉型以及接受反應 …


郭清雰 - 2008 - ir.lib.nycu.edu.tw
以往關於庫藏股的相關文獻, 多以整體產業做研究, 以單一產業做探討的少之又少.
金融業為特許行業, 因其產業特殊性與法令限制, 使得它在購回庫藏股時比一般行業必須受到更 …


D Lee - 2005 - ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw
中大機構典藏-NCU Institutional Repository-博碩士論文92421016 詳細資訊 博碩士論文
92421016 詳細資訊 以作者查詢圖書館館藏 ,以作者查詢臺灣博碩士 ,以作者查詢全國書目 ,勘誤 …

[PDF][PDF] Study of share repurchases and cash holdings: Nordic evidence

J Frilander - 2013 - aaltodoc.aalto.fi
This Master's Thesis attempts to expand on the existing research regarding the
determination of share repurchases using Northern European evidence. The paper …

A Study on Decisions of Treasury Stock Repurchase Based on Korean Listed Manufacturing Firms

J Kim - 대한경영학회지, 2007 - dbpia.co.kr
Generally, the decision to repurchase stocks is affected by the firm's distribution, investment,
capital structure, corporate control and compensation polices. However, in Korea most …

[图书][B] What Factors Affect Magnitude of Stock Repurchase Programs?

V Ryabinin - 2017 - search.proquest.com
This paper investigates effects of firm size, cash flow, investment, valuation, and stock
performance on the magnitude of share repurchase activity. I find that the number of shares …