Psychological resilience in sport performers: a review of stressors and protective factors

M Sarkar, D Fletcher - Journal of sports sciences, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Psychological resilience is important in sport because athletes must utilise and optimise a
range of mental qualities to withstand the pressures that they experience. In this article, we …

La resiliencia en el deporte: fundamentos teóricos, instrumentos de evaluación y revisión de la literatura

XG Secades, O Molinero, RR Barquín… - … de psicología del …, 2014 -
El constructo de resiliencia, definido como la capacidad de hacerfrente y adaptarse, de
manera positiva, a las situaciones altamente estresantes, ha sido estudiado desde hace …

[图书][B] Sport and exercise psychology: A critical introduction

A Moran - 2013 -
Although sport is played with the body, it is won in the mind. Inspired by this idea, the second
edition of this popular textbook provides a comprehensive critical introduction to sport and …

[图书][B] Handbook of sport psychology

G Tenenbaum, RC Eklund - 2020 -
4. Auflage dieses Klassikers und führenden Referenzwerks aus dem Bereich Sport-,
Bewegungs-und Leistungspsychologie Die vollständige neue Ausgabe des Handbook of …

The study of the antecedents of knowledge sharing behavior: The empirical study of Yambol online test community

DK Liou, WH Chih, CY Yuan, CY Lin - Internet Research, 2016 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the factors from environmental
level and personal level influence the knowledge sharing behavior and community …

The effect of self-confidence on performance in sports: a meta-analysis and narrative review

D Jekauc, J Fiedler, K Wunsch… - … Review of Sport and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Self-confidence refers to the belief that one is capable of performing the actions necessary to
overcome difficult situations and succeed in sports. Previous meta-analyses suggest that …

[图书][B] Sport psychology: Performance enhancement, performance inhibition, individuals, and teams

NT Gallucci - 2013 -
Sport Psychology, 2nd Edition provides a synthesis of the major topics in sport psychology
with an applied focus and an emphasis on achieving optimal performance. After exploring …

[图书][B] A critical introduction to sport psychology: A critical introduction

A Moran, J Toner - 2017 -
The new third edition of A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology is the only textbook in the
field that provides a detailed overview of key theories, concepts and findings within the …

[PDF][PDF] La autoconfianza y el control del estrés en futbolistas: revisión de estudios

GG Campos, PÁV Moral, MLZ Sánchez… - … de psicología del …, 2015 -
El análisis de las variables psicológicas posibilita comprender la relación existente entre el
rendimiento deportivo y el deportista. En este estudio se incide sobre las variables …

Measures of the trait of confidence

L Stankov, S Kleitman, SA Jackson - Measures of personality and social …, 2015 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews the item content, intended use, and psychometric properties of two
main kinds of assessments that have been employed in studies of individual differences in …