[PDF][PDF] MIDI toolbox: MATLAB tools for music research

T Eerola, P Toiviainen - 2004 - jyx.jyu.fi
MIDI Toolbox provides a set of Matlab functions, which together have all the necessary
machinery to analyze and visualize MIDI data. The development of the Toolbox has been …

[PDF][PDF] Folk music classification using hidden Markov models

BL Vercoe - Proceedings of the International Conference on …, 2001 - haralick.org
Automatic music classification is essential for implementing efficient music information
retrieval systems; meanwhile, it may shed light on the process of human's music perception …

[PDF][PDF] MIR In Matlab: The MIDI Toolbox.

T Eerola, P Toiviainen - ISMIR, 2004 - archives.ismir.net
The MIDI Toolbox is a compilation of functions for analyzing and visualizing MIDI files in the
Matlab computing environment. In this article, the basic issues of the Toolbox are …

Machine learning of jazz grammars

J Gillick, K Tang, RM Keller - Computer Music Journal, 2010 - JSTOR
In the context of an educational software tool that can generate novel jazz solos using a
probabilistic grammar (Keller 2007), this article describes the automated learning of such …

Melody description and extraction in the context of music content processing

E Gómez, A Klapuri, B Meudic - Journal of New Music Research, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
A huge amount of audio data is accessible to everyone by on-line or off-line information
services and it is necessary to develop techniques to automatically describe and deal with …

[图书][B] The dynamics of musical expectancy: cross-cultural and statistical approaches to melodic expectations

T Eerola - 2003 - jyx.jyu.fi
Melodic expectancy is a field of research that provides ways to understand the processes
and knowledge people use in structuring, interpreting, remembering and performing music …

[PDF][PDF] Mid-Level Music Melody Representation of Polyphonic Audio for Query-by-Humming System.

J Song, SY Bae, K Yoon - ISMIR, 2002 - ismir2002.ircam.fr
Recently a great attention is paid to content-based multimedia retrieval that enables users to
find and locate audio-visual materials according to the intrinsic characteristics of the target …

Melody retrieval on the web

W Chai, B Vercoe - Multimedia Computing and Networking …, 2001 - spiedigitallibrary.org
This paper explores issues involved in a web-based query-by-humming system, which can
find a piece of music in the digital music repository based on hummed melodies. Melody …

[图书][B] Symbolic music comparison with tree data structures

D Rizo - 2010 - rua.ua.es
Nowadays, the availability of huge amount of music stored in digital format in public or
personal collections creates problems for their organization and for locating information …

Extracting patterns in music for composition via markov chains

K Verbeurgt, M Dinolfo, M Fayer - … and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2004 …, 2004 - Springer
The goal of this paper is to describe a new approach to algorithmic music composition that
uses pattern extraction techniques to find patterns in a set of existing musical sequences …