Corporate takeovers

S Betton, BE Eckbo, KS Thorburn - Handbook of empirical corporate …, 2008 - Elsevier
This chapter surveys the recent empirical literature and adds to the evidence on takeover
bids for US targets, 1980–2005. The availability of machine readable transaction databases …

Self-selection models in corporate finance

L Kai, NR Prabhala - Handbook of empirical corporate finance, 2007 - Elsevier
Corporate finance decisions are not made at random, but are usually deliberate decisions
by firms or their managers to self-select into their preferred choices. This chapter reviews …

The econometrics of financial markets

JY Campbell, AW Lo, AC MacKinlay… - Macroeconomic …, 1998 -
This book is an ambitious effort by three well-known and well-respected scholars to fill an
acknowledged void in the literature—a text covering the burgeoning field of empirical …

Event studies in economics and finance

AC MacKinlay - Journal of economic literature, 1997 - JSTOR
ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to measure the effects of an economic event on the
value of firms. On the surface this seems like a difficult task, but a measure can be …

Econometrics of event studies

SP Kothari, JB Warner - Handbook of empirical corporate finance, 2007 - Elsevier
The number of published event studies exceeds 500, and the literature continues to grow.
We provide an overview of event study methods. Short-horizon methods are quite reliable …

What do returns to acquiring firms tell us? Evidence from firms that make many acquisitions

K Fuller, J Netter, M Stegemoller - The journal of finance, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
We study shareholder returns for firms that acquired five or more public, private, and/or
subsidiary targets within a short time period. Since the same bidder chooses different types …

The event study methodology since 1969

J Binder - Review of quantitative Finance and Accounting, 1998 - Springer
This paper discusses the event study methodology, beginning with FFJR (1969), including
hypothesis testing, the use of different benchmarks for the normal rate of return, the power of …

The pricing of initial public offerings: Tests of adverse-selection and signaling theories

R Michaely, WH Shaw - The Review of Financial Studies, 1994 -
We test the empirical implications of several models of IPO underpricing. Consistent with the
winner's-curse hypothesis, we show that in markets where investors know a priori that they …

Corporate research and development expenditures and share value

SH Chan, JD Martin, JW Kensinger - Journal of Financial Economics, 1990 - Elsevier
Share-price responses to 95 announcements of increased research and development (R &
D) spending are significantly positive on average, even when the announcement occurs in …

Information asymmetry, valuation, and the corporate spin-off decision

S Krishnaswami, V Subramaniam - Journal of Financial economics, 1999 - Elsevier
We empirically analyze the information hypothesis that the separation of a firm's divisions
into independently traded units through a spin-off enhances value because it mitigates …