Community-based agro-ecotourism sustainability in west java, indonesia
Community-based agro-ecotourism is a tourism activity that utilizes the agricultural, natural,
and cultural potential of environmentally friendly rural communities as tourism objects whose …
and cultural potential of environmentally friendly rural communities as tourism objects whose …
Identification of financial literacy level–case study of small business owner or manager in gowa regency
B Gosal, R Kamase - JManagER, 2021 -
The tourism sector is stimulated as a source of national foreign exchange, a provider of
employment and a means of equitable distribution of national income. As a tourist …
employment and a means of equitable distribution of national income. As a tourist …
Analisis Keberlanjutan Rencana Pengembangan Lahan Sawah Baru: Strategi Peningkatan Produksi Pangan di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah
Penduduk Indonesia diproyeksikan akan mencapai 328 juta jiwa pada tahun 2045,
peningkatan jumlah penduduk ini akan menyebabkan kebutuhan pangan beras terus …
peningkatan jumlah penduduk ini akan menyebabkan kebutuhan pangan beras terus …
Use Of Local Bananas As Alternative Food Of Sego Gedang In The Economic Value
LY Prastiwi, MH Setyobakti - Progress …, 2020 -
The use of bananas as an alternative food for Sego Gedang, is a student service activity
through the holistic village development and empowerment program or PHP2D which is …
through the holistic village development and empowerment program or PHP2D which is …
[PDF][PDF] Pengelolaan Sungai Kelelawar Berdasarkan Aspek Ekologi-Sosial Budaya di Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Provinsi Riau
Sungai Kelelawar merupakan anak sungai dari Sungai Kuantan yang dimanfaatkan untuk
berbagai kegiatan di sekitar Desa Sungai Kelelawar. Kegiatan tersebut akan berdampak …
berbagai kegiatan di sekitar Desa Sungai Kelelawar. Kegiatan tersebut akan berdampak …
[PDF][PDF] Community-Based Agro-Ecotourism Sustainability in West Java, Indonesia. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10432
Community-based agro-ecotourism is a tourism activity that utilizes the agricultural, natural,
and cultural potential of environmentally friendly rural communities as tourism objects whose …
and cultural potential of environmentally friendly rural communities as tourism objects whose …
[PDF][PDF] Community-Based Agro-Ecotourism Sustainability in West Java, Indonesia. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10432. htps
E Djuwendah, T Karyani… - doi. org/10.3390 …, 2023 -
Community-based agro-ecotourism is a tourism activity that utilizes the agricultural, natural,
and cultural potential of environmentally friendly rural communities as tourism objects whose …
and cultural potential of environmentally friendly rural communities as tourism objects whose …
Knowledge Acquisition in Toraja's Local Wisdom Context Toward Sustainable Tourism Development
F Sampe - Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 2020 -
The tourism sector is spurred as a source of national income, a provider of employment and
a means of equitable distribution of national income. As one of the tourist destinations, Tana …
a means of equitable distribution of national income. As one of the tourist destinations, Tana …
[PDF][PDF] Village-Owned Enterprises Management Model in Improving Village Original Income: Best Practice from Pujon Kidul, Indonesia
R Firmansyah, NRZM Dika, SF Putri - International Economic Policy, 2022 -
The autonomy system in the village should be able to optimize the potential of the village for
the welfare of the community. The existence of Village-Owned Enterprises (called BUMDes) …
the welfare of the community. The existence of Village-Owned Enterprises (called BUMDes) …
[PDF][PDF] Pengelolaan Sungai Kelelawar yang Berkelanjutan Dilihat dari Dimensi Ekologi-Ekonomi di Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Riau
M Carlo - Jurnal Ilmu Perairan (Aquatic Science) P-ISSN, 2022 -
Sungai Kelelawar merupakan salah satu anak sungai dari Sungai Kuantan yang
dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar Desa Sungai Kelelawar …
dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar Desa Sungai Kelelawar …