Comparison of the Effectiveness of U-Shape Toothbrushes and Conventional Toothbrushes for Cleaning Dental Plaque: A Narrative Review

G Monica, D Ariani - Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani, 2023 -
Introduction: Tooth brushing is an act of dental and oral health care that is most performed
by the community. The function of brushing teeth is to control plaque so as not to cause …

Differences in dental and oral hygiene status between orthodontic and conventional toothbrush users in fixed orthodontic treatment

EH Habar, N Timo - Makassar Dental Journal, 2022 -
Good oral and dental hygiene is a challenge for orthodontic patients because food is easily
trapped around brackets and under the arches of braces, thus becoming a barrier to …

[PDF][PDF] Perbedaan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut antara pengguna sikat gigi ortodonti dan konvensional pada perawatan ortodonti cekat

EH Habar, N Timo -
Kebersihanmulutdangigi yang baik merupakan tantangan bagi pasien ortodonti karena
makanan mudahterperangkap di sekitar braket dan di bawah lengkungan kawat gigi …