A survey of different approaches to support in argumentation systems

A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García… - The Knowledge …, 2014 - cambridge.org
In the last decades, most works in the literature have been devoted to study argumentation
formalisms that focus on a defeat relation among arguments. Recently, the study of a support …

A survey on understanding and representing privacy requirements in the internet-of-things

G Ogunniye, N Kokciyan - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2023 - jair.org
People are interacting with online systems all the time. In order to use the services being
provided, they give consent for their data to be collected. This approach requires too much …

Argumentation-based negotiation

I Rahwan, SD Ramchurn, NR Jennings… - The Knowledge …, 2003 - cambridge.org
Negotiation is essential in settings where autonomous agents have conflicting interests and
a desire to cooperate. For this reason, mechanisms in which agents exchange potential …

A generalization of Dung's abstract framework for argumentation: Arguing with sets of attacking arguments

SH Nielsen, S Parsons - International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi …, 2006 - Springer
One of the most widely studied systems of argumentation is the one described by Dung in a
paper from 1995. Unfortunately, this framework does not allow for joint attacks on …

Properties and complexity of some formal inter-agent dialogues

S Parsons, M Wooldridge… - Journal of Logic and …, 2003 - academic.oup.com
This paper studies argumentation-based dialogues between agents. It defines a set of
locutions by which agents can trade arguments, a set of agent attitudes which relate what …

[PDF][PDF] Semantical Considerations on Dialectical and Practical Commitments.

MP Singh - AAAI, 2008 - cdn.aaai.org
This paper studies commitments in multiagent systems. A dialectical commitment
corresponds to an agent taking a position about a putative fact, including for the sake of …

Formalizing dialectical explanation support for argument-based reasoning in knowledge-based systems

AJ García, CI Chesñevar, ND Rotstein… - Expert Systems with …, 2013 - Elsevier
The concept of explanation has received attention from different areas in Computer Science,
particularly in the knowledge-based systems and expert systems communities. At the same …

[PDF][PDF] Multiagent commitment alignment

AK Chopra, MP Singh - … of The 8th International Conference on …, 2009 - aamas.csc.liv.ac.uk
Commitments provide a basis for understanding interactions in multiagent systems.
Successful interoperation relies upon the interacting parties being aligned with respect to …

Agent communication and artificial institutions

N Fornara, F Viganò, M Colombetti - Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we propose an application-independent model for the definition of artificial
institutions that can be used to define open multi-agent systems. Such a model of …

[HTML][HTML] An approach to abstract argumentation with recursive attack and support

A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García, GR Simari - Journal of Applied Logic, 2015 - Elsevier
This work introduces the Attack–Support Argumentation Framework (ASAF), an approach to
abstract argumentation that allows for the representation and combination of attack and …