The location choices of multinational firms: The role of internationalisation experience and group affiliation
A Gazaniol - The World Economy, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates whether location choices of multinational firms depend on their past
export, import or Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) experience on foreign markets or the …
export, import or Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) experience on foreign markets or the …
MNC's location choice and agglomeration: a comparison between US and European affiliates in China
JL Mucchielli, P Yu - Asia Pacific business review, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
US and European multinational corporations encounter greater cultural barriers than Asian
multinational corporations when investing in China, and the global economic recession …
multinational corporations when investing in China, and the global economic recession …
Do foreign investors' location determinants in service functions differ according to sectors? An empirical analysis of EU for 1997 to 2011
ML Duboz, N Kroichvili… - … Regional Science Review, 2016 -
European Union (EU) is very attractive for foreign direct investment (FDI) in services and
policy makers should know the reasons explaining investment location choices of foreign …
policy makers should know the reasons explaining investment location choices of foreign …
Are Central and Eastern European countries a new area for the relocation of business services? An analysis for 2000-2013
ML Duboz, N Rodet-Kroichvili, A Slim - Revue d'études comparatives Est …, 2016 -
This article investigates the scope and features of the relocation of business services to
Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) during the 2000-2013 period with a …
Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) during the 2000-2013 period with a …
다국적기업의중동부유럽이전: 자동차산업의경우를중심으로: 자동차산업의경우를중심으로
안상욱 - 유럽연구, 2014 -
2004 년 EU 가입이후, 중동부 유럽국가들이 EU 단일시장의 혜택을 받게 됨에 따라
서유럽국가의 산업에 공동화가 발생하고 있다. 이와 같은 현상은 기존의 세계체제론과 …
서유럽국가의 산업에 공동화가 발생하고 있다. 이와 같은 현상은 기존의 세계체제론과 …
[HTML][HTML] 产业集聚对外商直接投资的区位选择影响研究——基于中国省份的面板数据
陈建英 - Modern Management, 2022 -
本文利用我国2000 年~ 2018 年间三十个省份经校正后的数据, 选取了外商投资水平,
产业集聚水平, 劳动力成本, 开放程度, 市场容量, 基础设施建设水平, 优惠性政策, 技术知识水平 …
产业集聚水平, 劳动力成本, 开放程度, 市场容量, 基础设施建设水平, 优惠性政策, 技术知识水平 …
[HTML][HTML] Internationalisation de la recherche et développement: quelles stratégies des constructeurs automobiles dans l'espace est-européen et méditerranéen?
N Rodet-Kroichvili, S Heim… - Revue de la régulation …, 2014 -
Cet article se propose d'analyser les stratégies de redéploiement des activités de recherche
et développement (R&D) des constructeurs automobiles dans l'espace est-européen et …
et développement (R&D) des constructeurs automobiles dans l'espace est-européen et …
EU 자동차생산의중동부유럽이전: 체코사례를중심으로
안상욱 - 유럽연구, 2019 -
세계 자동차 공업은 자동차 산업이 시작된 이래로 미국과 독일, 프랑스, 이탈리아 등 서유럽
국가들 및 일본을 중심으로 발전되어 왔다. 그러나 미국과 서유럽에서의 자동차 생산이 빠른 …
국가들 및 일본을 중심으로 발전되어 왔다. 그러나 미국과 서유럽에서의 자동차 생산이 빠른 …
Interactions, spillovers de connaissance et croissance des villes européennes
C Baumont, R Guillain - Faut-il préférer la géographie, le climat …, 2013 -
Nous étudions si les spillovers entre les économies urbaines associés aux externalités de
connaissance existent et quels sont leurs impacts sur la croissance économique de 82 villes …
connaissance existent et quels sont leurs impacts sur la croissance économique de 82 villes …