Perturbation theory for non-smooth systems

MA Teixeira - Perturbation Theory: Mathematics, Methods and …, 2022 - Springer
Non-smooth dynamical system Systems derived from ordinary differential equations when
the non-uniqueness of solutions is allowed. In this article we deal with discontinuous vector …

Phase portraits of reversible linear differential systems with cubic homogeneous polynomial nonlinearities having a non-degenerate center at the origin

CA Buzzi, J Llibre, JCR Medrado - Qualitative Theory of Dynamical …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper we classify the global phase portraits of all reversible linear differential systems
with cubic homogeneous polynomial nonlinearities defined in the plane and having a non …

On the limit cycles of a quartic model for evolutionary stable strategies

A Gasull, LFS Gouveia, P Santana - arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.15354, 2024 -
This paper studies the number of centers and limit cycles of the family of planar quartic
polynomial vector fields that has the invariant algebraic curve $(4x^ 2-1)(4y^ 2-1)= 0. $ The …

Stability conditions for reversible and partially integrable systems

CA Buzzi, LAF Roberto, MA Teixeira - Portugaliae Mathematica, 2021 -
The purpose of this paper is to provide results like Peixoto's Theorem inside a class X of 3-
dimensional reversible systems. We deal with reversible systems associated to an involution …

Planar reversible vector fields, averaging theory and polycycles in non-smooth vector fields

PHR Santana - 2021 -
Neste trabalho veremos os retratos de fase, no disco de Poincaré, das formas normais
locais das singularidades simétricas dos campos reversíveis do tipo (2; 0) e (2; 1) de baixa …

[引用][C] Marco Antônio Teixeira 2

RA Meyers - Springer