WA MODE - 2017 - researchgate.net
Purpose. Improving the mine winder operation efficiency by the acceleration mode
optimization and study of an optimezed mode using energetic and dynamic criteria …

Optimization of manipulator's motion mode on elastic base according to the criteria of the minimum central square value of drive torque

V Loveykin, D Mishchuk… - Strength of Materials and …, 2022 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
The results of studies of optimizing the mode of movement of the manipulator boom,
mounted on an elastic base with a known stiffness the paper presents. The purpose of this …

Justification and calculation of design and strength parameters of screw loaders

M Klendii, I Logusch, A Dragan… - Machinery & …, 2022 - technicalscience.com.ua
Existing designs of screw working bodies of transport and processing machines cannot
always provide the required performance and avoid overloading, which causes deformation …

Разработка оптимальной системы управления роботом-манипулятором гальванической линии для погашения колебаний подвески в переходных режимах

СА Овцов, ВВ Сарока - Труды БГТУ. Серия 3: Физико …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье рассматривается проблема возникновения нежелательной инерции подвески
с деталями во время передвижения гальванического робота-манипулятора …

Optimization of rotate mode at constant change of departure in the level-luffing crane with geared sector

V Loveykin, D Palamarchuk… - Strength of Materials …, 2021 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
The results of optimization of the rotation mode of the level-luffing boom system of the crane
at the launch site, with the steady-state mode of departure change. The object of the study is …

The movement mode optimization of the manipulator on the elastic base according to the criterion of the mean square value of the rate of change of the drive torque

V Loveikin, D Mishchuk… - Strength of Materials and …, 2023 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
It was established the presence of boom system oscillations in the process of changing the
departure into previous studies of the optimization of the movement mode of the manipulator …

Optimization of the mode of movement of the boom system of the loader crane

V Loveikin, Y Romasevich, O Spodoba… - Strength of Materials …, 2023 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
The article presents a method for solving the problem of eliminating vibrations of the load,
which is fixed on a rigid articulated suspension at the time of simultaneous movement of two …

Optimization of Bridge Crane Movement Control

VS Loveikin, YA Romasevich - Наука и техника, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Transient modes of bridge cranes movement determine their energy, dynamic and electrical
performance, as well as productivity and durability of work. An optimal control problem of its …

Optimization of the force mode of range change in an articulated boom system with a geared sector at a fixed mode of crane rotation

V Loveykin, Y Romasevich… - Strength of Materials …, 2023 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
Variational calculus methods were used to optimize the boom system's flight change mode.
For this, a variational problem is set, which includes the differential equations of motion of …

Analysis of derrikingand slewing of the tower crane with consideration to driving mechanisms characteristics

V Loveikin, Y Romasevych, A Loveikin… - Strength of Materials …, 2023 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
The variational problem of the movement mode selection for the load outreach change
mechanism during a steady-state tower crane slewing was formulated and solved in the …