A classroom entry and exit game of supply with price-taking firms
SL Cheung - The Journal of Economic Education, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
The author describes a classroom game demonstrating the process of adjustment to long-
run equilibrium in a market consisting of price-taking firms. This game unites and extends …
run equilibrium in a market consisting of price-taking firms. This game unites and extends …
[PDF][PDF] Fun and games with mobile phones: SMS messaging in microeconomics experiments
SL Cheung - Beyond the comfort zone: Proceedings of the 21st …, 2004 - ascilite.org
This paper details the application of SMS messaging to facilitate 'classroom experiments' in
microeconomics classes. Laboratory style experiments and simulations have long been …
microeconomics classes. Laboratory style experiments and simulations have long been …
[DOC][DOC] Exploratory research on online learning in quantitative business disciplines
R Fulton, D Fulton - Development in business simulation and …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this research is to analyze the optimal pedagogical tools and methods for
teaching quantitative disciplines in the newest delivery modes of blended and online …
teaching quantitative disciplines in the newest delivery modes of blended and online …
[图书][B] Insecure participation: Experiments in a one day introduction to economics
C Geller - 2005 - core.ac.uk
Classroom experiments and exercises served as a one-day introduction to economics for
students who felt insecure about taking first year business classes. The first experiment …
students who felt insecure about taking first year business classes. The first experiment …
[HTML][HTML] Teaching methods in economics: a brief survey
M Twain - endogenouspreferences.wordpress …
The significant decline in economic majors observed in the nineties (Conrad 1996, Margo
and Sigfried 1996, Salemi 1996) has been interpreted as a consequence of poor teaching in …
and Sigfried 1996, Salemi 1996) has been interpreted as a consequence of poor teaching in …
D Assenza - Časopis e-Pedagogium je zařazen do „Seznamu … - e-pedagogium.upol.cz
Článek srovnává výsledky dvou vyučovacích metod ekonomie–klasickou prezentaci
neoklasické ekonomie pomocí matematických funkcí a grafů a novou experimentální …
neoklasické ekonomie pomocí matematických funkcí a grafů a novou experimentální …
C Geller - 2005 - deakin.edu.au
Classroom experiments and exercises served as a one-day introduction to economics for
students who felt insecure about taking first year business classes. The first experiment …
students who felt insecure about taking first year business classes. The first experiment …
Securing participation: Experiments in a one-day introduction to economics
C Geller - 2005 - dro.deakin.edu.au
Classroom experiments and exercises served as a one-day introduction to economics for
students who felt insecure about taking first-year business classes. The first experiment …
students who felt insecure about taking first-year business classes. The first experiment …
[PDF][PDF] Lessons to be learned from using Gertner's game of Cournot oligopoly in the classroom
J Voola, M Giles - 2005 - academia.edu
Since the early 1990s, economics departments at Australian universities have become
increasingly concerned with falling undergraduate enrolments. This follows concerns by …
increasingly concerned with falling undergraduate enrolments. This follows concerns by …
[图书][B] Insecure participation: experiments in a one-day introduction to economics, with revised experiments and exercises
C Geller - 2006 - Citeseer
Classroom experiments and exercises served as a one-day introduction to economics for
students who felt insecure about taking first year business classes. The first experiment …
students who felt insecure about taking first year business classes. The first experiment …