Transitions from high school to college

A Venezia, L Jaeger - The future of children, 2013 - JSTOR
The vast majority of high school students aspire to some kind of postsecondary education,
yet far too many of them enter college without the basic content knowledge, skills, or habits …

Research on adolescence in the twenty-first century

R Crosnoe, MK Johnson - Annual review of sociology, 2011 -
Recent methodological advances have allowed empirical research on adolescence to do
better justice to theoretical models. Organized by a life course framework, this review covers …

[图书][B] Negotiating opportunities: How the middle class secures advantages in school

JMC Calarco - 2018 -
In Negotiating Opportunities, Jessica McCrory Calarco argues that the middle class has a
negotiated advantage in school. Drawing on five years of ethnographic fieldwork, Calarco …

The mark of a woman's record: Gender and academic performance in hiring

N Quadlin - American sociological review, 2018 -
Women earn better grades than men across levels of education—but to what end? This
article assesses whether men and women receive equal returns to academic performance in …

Why are hungry college students not seeking help? Predictors of and barriers to using an on-campus food pantry

A El Zein, AE Mathews, L House, KP Shelnutt - Nutrients, 2018 -
Background: The number of food pantries on US college campuses has increased in
response to students' food insecurity, but limited information is available to describe the …

[图书][B] Youth rising?: The politics of youth in the global economy

M Sukarieh, S Tannock - 2014 -
Over the last decade," youth" has become increasingly central to policy, development, media
and public debates and conflicts across the world–whether as an ideological symbol, social …

Educational inequality, educational expansion, and intergenerational income persistence in the United States

D Bloome, S Dyer, X Zhou - American Sociological Review, 2018 -
The children of high-income parents often become high-income adults, while their low-
income peers often become low-income adults. Education plays a central role in this …

[图书][B] Degrees of inequality: Culture, class, and gender in American higher education

AL Mullen - 2011 -
2011 Educator's Award. Delta Kappa Gamma Society International2011 Outstanding
Publication in Postsecondary Education, American Educational Research Association …

Counselors, information, and high school college-going culture: Inequalities in the college application process

KJ Robinson, J Roksa - Research in Higher Education, 2016 - Springer
While socioeconomic inequality in postsecondary outcomes is well documented, limited
research explores the extent to which seeing a high school counselor can help to reduce …

The unwavering SES achievement gap: Trends in US student performance

EA Hanushek, PE Peterson, L Talpey, L Woessmann - 2019 -
Concerns about the breadth of the US income distribution and limited intergenerational
mobility have led to a focus on educational achievement gaps by socio-economic status …