The equity risk premium: a review of models

F Duarte, C Rosa - Economic Policy Review, 2015 -
The authors estimate the equity risk premium (ERP)—the expected return on stocks in
excess of the risk-free rate—by combining information from twenty models for the period …

Advances in consumption-based asset pricing: Empirical tests

SC Ludvigson - Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 2013 - Elsevier
The last 15 years has brought forth an explosion of research on consumption-based asset
pricing as a leading contender for explaining aggregate stock market behavior. This …


JH Cochrane - Review of Finance, 2017 -
Macro-finance addresses the link between asset prices and economic fluctuations. Many
models reflect the same rough idea: the market's ability to bear risk is greater in good times …

The term structure of returns: Facts and theory

JH Van Binsbergen, RSJ Koijen - Journal of Financial Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
We summarize and extend the new literature on the term structure of equity. Short-term
equity claims, or dividend strips, have higher average returns and Sharpe ratios than the …

Very long-run discount rates

S Giglio, M Maggiori, J Stroebel - The Quarterly Journal of …, 2015 -
We estimate how households trade off immediate costs and uncertain future benefits that
occur in the very long run, 100 or more years away. We exploit a unique feature of housing …

Cash flow duration and the term structure of equity returns

M Weber - Journal of Financial Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
The term structure of equity returns is downward-sloping: stocks with high cash flow duration
earn 1.10% per month lower returns than short-duration stocks in the cross-section. I create …

Equity risk premiums (ERP): Determinants, estimation and implications–The 2013 edition

A Damodaran - … global standards and regulations after the …, 2013 -
Equity risk premiums are a central component of every risk and return model in finance and
are a key input into estimating costs of equity and capital in both corporate finance and …

The price of variance risk

I Dew-Becker, S Giglio, A Le, M Rodriguez - Journal of Financial Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
Between 1996 and 2014, it was costless on average to hedge news about future variance at
horizons ranging from 1 quarter to 14 years. Only unexpected, transitory realized variance …

Asset prices with heterogeneity in preferences and beliefs

HS Bhamra, R Uppal - The Review of Financial Studies, 2014 -
In this paper, we study asset prices in a dynamic, continuous-time, and general-equilibrium
endowment economy in which agents have “catching up with the Joneses” utility functions …

The short duration premium

AS Gonçalves - Journal of Financial economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Stocks of firms with cash flows concentrated in the short term (ie, short duration stocks) pay a
large premium over long duration stocks. I empirically demonstrate that this premium (i) is …