[图书][B] Meaning in the brain

G Baggio - 2018 - books.google.com
An argument that the meaning of written or auditory linguistic signals is not derived from the
input but results from the brain's internal construction process. When we read a text or listen …

What is episodic memory if it is a natural kind?

S Cheng, M Werning - Synthese, 2016 - Springer
Colloquially, episodic memory is described as “the memory of personally experienced
events”. Even though episodic memory has been studied in psychology and neuroscience …

Predicting the past from minimal traces: Episodic memory and its distinction from imagination and preservation

M Werning - Review of philosophy and psychology, 2020 - Springer
The paper develops an account of minimal traces devoid of representational content and
exploits an analogy to a predictive processing framework of perception. As perception can …

Taxonomy and unity of memory

M Werning, S Cheng - The Routledge handbook of philosophy of …, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
In the most general way of speaking, people use the noun" memory" to refer to instances
where information of the past is made available for present purposes. This chapter begins …

Synesthesia, sensory-motor contingency, and semantic emulation: how swimming style-color synesthesia challenges the traditional view of synesthesia

A Mroczko-Wąsowicz, M Werning - Frontiers in Psychology, 2012 - frontiersin.org
Synesthesia is traditionally regarded as a phenomenon in which an additional non-standard
phenomenal experience occurs consistently in response to ordinary stimulation applied to …

[PDF][PDF] Neurocompositional computing in human and machine intelligence: A tutorial

P Smolensky, RT McCoy, R Fernandez… - … Technical Report MSR …, 2022 - microsoft.com
The past decade has produced a revolution in Artificial Intelligence (AI), after a halfcentury of
AI repeatedly failing to meet expectations. What explains the dramatic change from 20th …

[图书][B] Compendium of Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence

P Hitzler, MK Sarker, A Eberhart - 2023 - books.google.com
If only it were possible to develop automated and trainable neural systems that could justify
their behavior in a way that could be interpreted by humans like a symbolic system. The field …

A puzzle concerning compositionality in machines

RM Nefdt - Minds and Machines, 2020 - Springer
This paper attempts to describe and address a specific puzzle related to compositionality in
artificial networks such as Deep Neural Networks and machine learning in general. The …

The time-course of sentence meaning composition. N400 effects of the interaction between context-induced and lexically stored affordances

E Cosentino, G Baggio, J Kontinen… - Frontiers in …, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Contemporary semantic theories can be classified along two dimensions:(i) the way and
time-course in which contextual factors influence sentence truth-conditions; and (ii) whether …

Composition and replay of mnemonic sequences: The contributions of REM and slow-wave sleep to episodic memory

S Cheng, M Werning - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2013 - search.proquest.com
We propose that rapid eye movement (REM) and slow-wave sleep contribute differently to
the formation of episodic memories. REM sleep is important for building up invariant object …