Getting over continent ocean boundaries

G Eagles, L Pérez-Díaz, N Scarselli - Earth-Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
The idea of a simple linear boundary between continental and oceanic crust at extended
continental margins is widely recognized to be an oversimplification. Despite this, such …

Do the 85° E Ridge and Conrad Rise form a hotspot track crossing the Indian Ocean?

S Homrighausen, K Hoernle, JA Wartho, F Hauff… - Lithos, 2021 - Elsevier
Age-progressive volcanic chains are generally considered as surface expressions of deep-
rooted mantle plumes, whereas non-age progressive volcanic groups or solitary volcanic …

Structure and tectonics of the continental margins of India and the adjacent deep ocean basins: current status of knowledge and some unresolved problems

V Yatheesh - Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 2020 -
Abstract The Indian Ocean and the bordering continental margins are characterized by a
number of tectonic features consisting of deep ocean basins, aseismic ridges/submarine …

Lithosphere structure and upper mantle characteristics below the Bay of Bengal

GS Rao, M Radhakrishna, KM Sreejith… - Geophysical Journal …, 2016 -
The oceanic lithosphere in the Bay of Bengal (BOB) formed 80–120 Ma following the
breakup of eastern Gondwanaland. Since its formation, it has been affected by the …

The bent prolongation of the 85° E Ridge south of 5° N–Fact or fiction?

T Altenbernd, W Jokat, W Geissler - Tectonophysics, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The enigmatic 85° E Ridge crosses the Bay of Bengal from north to south. Its strong
gravity anomaly low is associated with Cretaceous hotspot volcanism. South of 5° N, the …

Two-stage eastward diachronous model of India-Eurasia collision: Constraints from the intraplate tectonic records in Northeast Indian Ocean

Y Suo, S Li, X Cao, H Dong, X Li, X Wang - Gondwana Research, 2022 - Elsevier
The onset of timing and the model of the India-Eurasia collision are strongly debated based
on continental works, without systematic marine tectonic constraints. Two aseismic ridges …

Hotspot volcanism along a leaky fracture zone contributes the formation of the 85° E Ridge at 11° N latitude, Bay of Bengal

L Shang, G Hu, J Pan, PD Clift, H Li, Y Zhang, C Yang… - Tectonophysics, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The 85° E Ridge is a prominent linear structure in the northeastern Indian Ocean. Its
nature and origin are still controversial due to the coverage of thick Bengal Fan sediments …

Flexural analysis along the Sunda Trench: Bending, buckling and plate coupling

G Raghuram, FA Capitanio, M Radhakrishna - Tectonics, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The bathymetry and free‐air gravity data offshore Sunda trench are used here to analyze the
flexural forebulge and bending moment variations along the Southeast Asian subduction …

India‐Elan Bank‐East Antarctica breakup, Crustal architecture, and margin evolution: results from constrained potential field and Process‐Oriented gravity modeling of …

GS Rao, M Radhakrishna - Tectonics, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
We present here the results of a seismically well‐constrained potential field modeling along
with process‐oriented gravity modeling across the Eastern Continental Margin of India …

Crustal architecture and isostatic compensation of the Comorin Ridge, central Indian Ocean: Implications for the breakup of east Gondwana

GS Rao, A Singh - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Comorin Ridge, located off the southwest margin of Sri Lanka is an important
geological feature with significant relevance to understand the breakup of eastern …