IP-based handover management over IP-based handover management over heterogeneous wireless networks

F Belghoul, Y Moret, C Bonnet - 28th Annual IEEE International …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Mobile users are facing the fact that many heterogenous radio access technologies coexist,
ranging from wireless LANs to cellular systems. No technology has emerged as a common …

A low-overhead profiling and visualization framework for Hybrid Transactional Memory

O Arcas, P Kirchhofer, N Sonmez… - 2012 IEEE 20th …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Multi-core prototyping presents a good opportunity for establishing low overhead and
detailed profiling and visualization in order to study new research topics. In this paper, we …

[PDF][PDF] Enhancing an htm system with hw monitoring capabilities

P Kirchhofer, DIM Schindewolf - Studienarbeit (Study Thesis) … - familie-kirchhofer.de
Bis vor einigen Jahren wurden Geschwindigkeitssteigerungen bei x86 Prozessoren
hauptsächlich durch die Erhöhung der Taktfrequenz und, in einem geringeren Maße, durch …

Restart Optimization for Transactional Memory with Lazy Conflict Detection

M Cvetanović, Z Radivojević, V Milutinović - International Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
This paper presents an optimization algorithm for transactional memory with lazy conflict
detection. The proposed optimization attempts to minimize the execution time of restarted …

[PDF][PDF] Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

MO Schindewolf - 2013 - core.ac.uk
Transactional Memory (TM) has been proposed as an architectural extension to enable lock-
free data structures. With the ubiquity of multi-core systems, the idea of TM gains new …

[PDF][PDF] Bluebox: Rapid Hardware Prototyping with Debugging Extensions

O Arcas, N Sönmez, A Cristal, OS Unsal - 2013 - ac.upc.edu
This paper describes the development of Bluebox, a synthesizable processor architecture.
We describe and apply a design methodology that enables rapid prototyping, based on …

A multicore emulator with a profiling infrastructure for Transactional Memory on FPGA

N Sönmez - 2012 - upcommons.upc.edu
This thesis attempts to bring together two recent topics by presenting a flexible Transactional
Memory environment on a multicore prototype that is realized on FPGA fabric. For this, we …

Uma avaliação comparativa de sistemas de memória transacional de software e seus benchmarks

FF Rui - 2012 - tede2.pucrs.br
Memórias Transacionais são consideradas por muitos pesquisadores como a mais
promissora solução para resolver problemas de programação multicore. Esse modelo …

[PDF][PDF] Scientific Report for STSM project “Enhancing an HTM system (TMbox) with HW monitoring capabilities”

P Kirchhofer - 2011 - dpss.inesc-id.pt
Transactional Memory (TM) is supposed to simplify parallel programming. Recent research
shows that current state-of-the-art TM implementations are on a good way to achieve this …