Recent views on river pollution and diatoms

F Rimet - Hydrobiologia, 2012 - Springer
The first studies of diatoms and river pollution were carried out 60 years ago, and the
suitability of these micro-algae as bioassessment indicators for monitoring river quality was …

Duplicate and fake publications in the scientific literature: how many SCIgen papers in computer science?

C Labbé, D Labbé - Scientometrics, 2013 - Springer
Two kinds of bibliographic tools are used to retrieve scientific publications and make them
available online. For one kind, access is free as they store information made publicly …

Experiments on authorship attribution by intertextual distance in English

D Labbé - Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
How can it be said that texts are “near to” or “distant from” one another? Are different texts by
a single author more similar than texts by different authors? To answer these questions, a …

[图书][B] Explorer un corpus textuel: Méthodes-pratiques-outils

C Poudat, F Landragin - 2017 -
La 4ème de couv. indique:" Avec le virage numérique, les pratiques du linguiste ont
sensiblement évolué. Décrire des discours et des usages ou mettre en évidence des …

Why Molière most likely did write his plays

F Cafiero, JB Camps - Science advances, 2019 -
As for Shakespeare, a hard-fought debate has emerged about Molière, a supposedly
uneducated actor who, according to some, could not have written the masterpieces …

Analysis of the style and the rhetoric of the 2016 US presidential primaries

J Savoy - Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2018 -
This present article examines the verbal style and rhetoric of the candidates of the 2016 US
presidential primary elections. To achieve this objective, this study analyzes the oral …

A tool for literary studies: Intertextual distance and tree classification

C Labbé, D Labbé - Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2006 -
How to measure proximities and oppositions in large text corpora? Intertextual distance
provides a simple and interesting solution. Its properties make it a good tool for text …

[图书][B] Les mots qui nous gouvernent

D Labbé, D Monière - 2008 -
Application de la statistique lexicale aux discours des Premiers ministres québécois entre
1960 et 2005 (Lesage, Johnson, Bertrand, Bourassa, Lévesque, Parizeau, Bouchard …

[HTML][HTML] Structuration des discours au sein de Twitter durant l'élection présidentielle française de 2017: Entre agenda politique et représentations sociales 1

P Ratinaud, N Smyrnaios, J Figeac, G Cabanac… - Réseaux, 2019 -
Cette étude se fixe comme objectif de décrire et d'étudier les échanges d'informations au
sein de Twitter pendant la campagne électorale pour la présidentielle française de 2017 …

What to put in the bag? Comparing and contrasting procedures for text clustering

This study takes into account the issue of text clustering against the specific background of
bag-of-words approaches and from different viewpoints. The most common algorithms for …