Sensitive questions in surveys.

R Tourangeau, T Yan - Psychological bulletin, 2007 -
Psychologists have worried about the distortions introduced into standardized personality
measures by social desirability bias. Survey researchers have had similar concerns about …

When to worry about sensitivity bias: A social reference theory and evidence from 30 years of list experiments

G Blair, A Coppock, M Moor - American Political Science Review, 2020 -
Eliciting honest answers to sensitive questions is frustrated if subjects withhold the truth for
fear that others will judge or punish them. The resulting bias is commonly referred to as …

Beyond SES: A resource model of political participation

HE Brady, S Verba, KL Schlozman - American political science …, 1995 -
This paper develops a resource model of political participation. The resources considered
are time, money, and civic skills—those communications and organizational capacities that …

[图书][B] Empirische Sozialforschung

M Häder - 2010 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Die Methoden der Empirischen Sozialforschung sind hoch spezialisiert
und vermögen es, eine breite Aufgabenpalette abzudecken. Sie reichen von der …

Who overreports voting?

BD Silver, BA Anderson, PR Abramson - American political Science …, 1986 -
The effects of respondent characteristics with regard to the propensity of nonvoters to report
that they voted are examined by analyzing the vote validation studies conducted by the …

Underreporting of substance use in a national longitudinal youth cohort: Individual and interviewer effects

BS Mensch, DB Kandel - Public Opinion Quarterly, 1988 -
The quality of drug data in the 1984 wave of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth is
explored. Comparisons with other national surveys indicate that underreporting of use of …

Residential concentration, political socialization, and voter turnout

WKT Cho, JG Gimpel, JJ Dyck - The Journal of Politics, 2006 -
Although many have hypothesized that neighborhoods and social context are important
influences on the decision to vote, the data to study these phenomenon have often been …

[图书][B] Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes

GR Maio, JM Olson - 1999 -
As the first book to examine the psychological motivations underlying people's attitudes, as
well as why people form attitudes, this volume presents empirical research describing …

[图书][B] Analyzing social behavior: Behavior analysis and the social sciences.

B Guerin - 1994 -
Abstract" Analyzing Social Behavior"... provides the first full coverage of the social sciences
from the perspective of modern behavior analysis. The book provides an up-to-date …

Implicit attitudes towards children with autism versus normally developing children as predictors of professional burnout and psychopathology

A Kelly, D Barnes-Holmes - Research in developmental disabilities, 2013 - Elsevier
Tutors trained in applied behaviour analysis (n= 16) and mainstream school teachers (n=
16) were exposed to an Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) designed to …