Rigid supersymmetric theories in curved superspace
G Festuccia, N Seiberg - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 - Springer
We present a uniform treatment of rigid supersymmetric field theories in a curved
spacetime\(\mathcal {M}\), focusing on four-dimensional theories with four supercharges …
spacetime\(\mathcal {M}\), focusing on four-dimensional theories with four supercharges …
Towards the F-theorem: field theories on the three-sphere
For 3-dimensional field theories with\(\mathcal {N}= 2\) supersymmetry the Euclidean path
integrals on the three-sphere can be calculated using the method of localization; they …
integrals on the three-sphere can be calculated using the method of localization; they …
SUSY gauge theories on squashed three-spheres
Abstract We study Euclidean 3D\(\mathcal {N}= 2\) supersymmetric gauge theories on
squashed three-spheres preserving isometries SU (2)× U (1) or U (1)× U (1). We show that …
squashed three-spheres preserving isometries SU (2)× U (1) or U (1)× U (1). We show that …
A universal counting of black hole microstates in AdS4
A bstract Many three-dimensional\(\mathcal {N}= 2\) SCFTs admit a universal partial
topological twist when placed on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. We exploit this fact to derive …
topological twist when placed on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. We exploit this fact to derive …
supersymmetric theories on squashed three-sphere
Y Imamura, D Yokoyama - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation …, 2012 - APS
We investigate a squashing deformation of 3D N= 2 supersymmetric theories on three-
sphere, which have four supercharges. The deformation preserves SU (2) L× U (1) r …
sphere, which have four supercharges. The deformation preserves SU (2) L× U (1) r …
A compendium of logarithmic corrections in AdS/CFT
A bstract We study the logarithmic corrections to various CFT partition functions in the
context of the AdS 4/CFT 3 correspondence for theories arising on the worldvolume of M2 …
context of the AdS 4/CFT 3 correspondence for theories arising on the worldvolume of M2 …
Large N topologically twisted index: necklace quivers, dualities, and Sasaki-Einstein spaces
SM Hosseini, N Mekareeya - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 - Springer
A bstract In this paper, we calculate the topological free energy for a number of\(\mathcal
{N}\)≥ 2 Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons-matter theories at large N and fixed Chern-Simons …
{N}\)≥ 2 Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons-matter theories at large N and fixed Chern-Simons …
Large N partition functions of 3d holographic SCFTs
A bstract We study the S 1×\({\Sigma} _ {\mathfrak {g}}\) topologically twisted index and the
squashed sphere partition function of various 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)≥ 2 holographic …
squashed sphere partition function of various 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)≥ 2 holographic …
Thermodynamics and weak cosmic censorship conjecture in extended phase spaces of anti-de Sitter black holes with particles' absorption
D Chen - The European Physical Journal C, 2019 - Springer
The thermodynamics and weak cosmic censorship conjecture in extended phase spaces of
charged anti-de Sitter black holes describing the massive gravity are investigated by the …
charged anti-de Sitter black holes describing the massive gravity are investigated by the …
[HTML][HTML] The gravity dual of supersymmetric gauge theories on a squashed three-sphere
D Martelli, A Passias, J Sparks - Nuclear Physics B, 2012 - Elsevier
We present the gravity dual to a class of three-dimensional N= 2 supersymmetric gauge
theories on a U (1)× U (1)-invariant squashed three-sphere, with a non-trivial background …
theories on a U (1)× U (1)-invariant squashed three-sphere, with a non-trivial background …