I Irayanti, F Kadir, MI Arkam… - Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2022 - jurnal-umbuton.ac.id
Kondisi pantai Nambo setelah liburan senantiasa memprihatinkan. Observasi awal yang
dilakukan terlihat sampah plastik dan sampah-sampah yang tidak terurai seperti stryrefoam …
dilakukan terlihat sampah plastik dan sampah-sampah yang tidak terurai seperti stryrefoam …
Pengaruh model SAVI berbantuan software pengendali client terhadap tingkat kedisiplinan dan hasil belajar matematika
SLC Purnomo, D Kuswandi, H Praherdhiono - Edcomtech, 2021 - neliti.com
This research aims to determine the effect of SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visualization,
Intellectually) learning model assisted by client control software on the level of discipline and …
Intellectually) learning model assisted by client control software on the level of discipline and …
Kampanye Lingkungan dalam Rangka Memaksimalkan Potensi Pantai Saliper Ate sebagai Objek Wisata Keluarga
Saliper Ate beach as one of the beaches located in downtown Sumbawa is one of the tourist
destinations that is often used for family tourism. The location is quite close to the city center …
destinations that is often used for family tourism. The location is quite close to the city center …
[引用][C] The efforts to improve environmental behavior and critical thinking of students through guided inquiry-based learning on environmental education-based …
M Muhlisin, I Rosiana, Y Rahayuningsih, Y Suharyana - Jurnal Penelitian dan …, 2019