Algebraic specification

M Wirsing - Formal models and semantics, 1990 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary An algebraic specification is a description of one or more abstract data
types. There are three main semantic approaches to algebraic specifications:(1) the initial …

Structured algebraic specifications: A kernel language

M Wirsing - Theoretical Computer Science, 1986 - Elsevier
A language called ASL for describing structured algebraic specifications is presented. ASL
is a declarative higher-order language. It contains constructs for building (possibly infinite) …

[图书][B] Term rewriting and all that

F Baader, T Nipkow - 1998 -
This textbook offers a unified, self-contained introduction to the field of term rewriting. Baader
and Nipkow cover all the basic material--abstract reduction systems, termination …

[PDF][PDF] Unification theory

F Baader, W Snyder - Handbook of automated reasoning, 2001 -
Unification is a fundamental process upon which many methods for automated deduction
are based. Unification theory abstracts from the specific applications of this process: it …

The integration of functions into logic programming: From theory to practice

M Hanus - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1994 - Elsevier
Functional and logic programming are the most important declarative programming
paradigms, and interest in combining them has grown over the last decade. Early research …

Software testing based on formal specifications: a theory and a tool

G Bernot, MC Gaudel, B Marre - Software Engineering Journal, 1991 - IET
This paper addresses the problem of constructing test data sets from formal specifications.
Starting from a notion of an ideal exhaustive test data set, which is derived from the notion of …

[图书][B] Process algebra: equational theories of communicating processes

JCM Baeten, MA Reniers - 2010 -
Process algebra is a widely accepted and much used technique in the specification and
verification of parallel and distributed software systems. This book sets the standard for the …

Definitional trees

S Antoy - International Conference on Algebraic and Logic …, 1992 - Springer
Rewriting is a computational paradigm that specifies the actions, but not the control. We
introduce a hierarchical structure representing, at a high level of abstraction, a form of …

Completeness results for basic narrowing

A Middeldorp, E Hamoen - Applicable Algebra in Engineering …, 1994 - Springer
In this paper we analyze completeness results for basic narrowing. We show that basic
narrowing is not complete with respect to normalizable solutions for equational theories …

Metastructures vs. attributed variables in the context of extensible unification

C Holzbaur - … on Programming Language Implementation and Logic …, 1992 - Springer
We relate two mechanisms which aim at the extension of logic programming languages. The
first mechanism directly extends syntactic unification through the introduction of a data type …